Infiltration and Inefficiencies in State Regulatory Agencies
dingo | 18.06.2007 13:26 | Analysis | Other Press | Repression | World
The person/s (activists, perhaps assassins) the agencies seek in relation to the approaching APEC summit may be known to the activist and broader political community; it is therefore with extreme prejudice that we cite government failures in relation to security and policing matters. The APEC summit may become the greatest security failure in Australian history. Infiltration/undercover operations are a two-edged sword; however, that sword has been broken by anti-corruption zealots in NSW. The State now faces gaping inefficiencies and a lack of urgently required expertise.
[The following story relates to ALL western regulatory agencies regardless of this local example.]
The fact that no one really knows anyone allows for an extremely broad scope of activity in all agency environments especially in circumstances where ethnic personnel are required. Few people forfeit their original cultural allegiances for the agencies’ or their adopted nation’s – this applies to numerous generations born (but victimised and discriminated against) in their adopted countries. Australian racism has made it particularly difficult to recruit patriotic personnel from ethnic backgrounds.
After decades of infiltration the highest to the lowest ranks of all Federal agencies have been compromised. This situation was inevitable, the clichéd image of activists and those who oppose conservatism, as feral, anarchic, existential, etc are only for popular consumption; the most effective members of the movement look like non-specific citizens, dorks, athletes and other characteristic types but never the clichéd image of the ‘perceived opposition’.
The Oz Federal Police Chief, Mick Keelty, today refuted claims that agency personnel numbers were inadequate, “the AFP doesn't have any problems at all attracting people to its ranks … in the last 10 years the AFP has grown by 30 per cent, and certainly in the last five years, since September 11, it's grown by 23 per cent. So we've had significant additional resources in the AFP,” he said. The State Police Union brought the issue to light after bitter complaints that duties, once the province of the Federal Police -- airport security and international security operations, APEC summit etc -- have been passed to State regulatory authorities at the expense of traditional community policing.
Rivalry between Federal and State regulatory authorities notwithstanding, the Police Union has a point. A spate of recent unsolved shootings in the centre of Sydney has highlighted the lack of State police expertise and efficiency. It would seem the latest complaints are only the usual exercises in buck-passing and whingeing from a clearly inept and inadequate NSW Police ‘force.’ Brazen shootings in popular venues are new to Sydney; citizens therefore expect results from police. Rather than face their obvious shortcomings, the State police are now engaging in the very lame game of blame!
If the issues were not serious the whole episode could be dismissed as infantile behaviour from our boy scouts in blue – the efficiency of NSW police was thoroughly compromised after an over zealous anti-corruption campaign eliminated the entire traditional knowledge base and methodology apparatus of the force. The result of the anti-corruption campaign that went too far is an increase in fresh-faced, youthful police but little improvement in expertise. Faced with that reality and escalating crime it is not surprising to witness public arguments between the various regulatory bodies.
The local media in a report of a failed intimidation to create a police informer has furnished proof of the ineptitudes of NSW policing. The story title is amusing, “Spy for us and we'll drop charge”, the story goes on to describe the most inept attempt at informer creation known to policing in Australian, inclusive of the fact that the attempt has made headlines in the local media! No hard rules exist regarding informer creation but a few solid practices were ignored in this failed attempt. Most potential informers face severe penalties or other intimidations, usually applied behind closed doors in police stations; in the circumstances the broad daylight, public approach was unorthodox to say the least, the following link provides an amusing read:
However, to return to the issue of compromised and inept policing/security in John Howard’s racist Australia. It is hardly surprising that ‘antagonistic’ local (anglo and ethnic) citizens have infiltrated Oz agencies. Few Australians agreed with Howard’s and Keelty’s political tactics in surrendering local youth to foreign powers to face the death penalty. Local agencies had the opportunity to allow a monitored importation of illegal substances and trace an entire network! However, the Prime Minister is known for his shortsighted political opportunism and short-term strategies; Australian youth were surrendered to a foreign power for the sake of political expediency. It is these practices and the racism of conservative Australia that compromises the agencies and the entire fabric of Australian society.
The results of John Howard’s divisive social policies are now evident to the entire community in the form of escalating crime and brazen shootings in the heart of Capital cities.
The person/s (activists, perhaps assassins) the agencies seek in relation to the approaching APEC summit may be known to the activist and broader political community; it is therefore with extreme prejudice that we cite government failures in relation to security and policing matters. The APEC summit may become the greatest security failure in Australian history. Infiltration/undercover operations are a two-edged sword; however, that sword has been broken by anti-corruption zealots in NSW. The State now faces gaping inefficiencies and a lack of urgently required expertise.
Perhaps we should surrender local policing to the Americans, John Howard has succeeded in surrendering the nation to America and allowing the wholesale plunder of our precious resources by foreign multi-national corporations. The future under any conservative government regardless of the particular flavour, Lib/Lab, is more of the same failures in social cohesion, integration and cultural identity.
The South Pacific is a REGION, Australia and New Zealand would do well to understand the advantages of sovereignty as opposed to servility. A nation is its land (resources) and its people, who but a coward and lackey would surrender the family jewels and cultural identity to a foreign power? We cite the tiny Island State of Singapore as an example of an independent sovereign nation/state. Singapore’s independence is in stark contrast to the servility of Australia to the stinking yanks and its rapacious multi-national corporations. The wealth of a nation belongs to its people NOT to thieving foreign corporations that rape, pollute and devastate.
See also:,23599,21923444-1702,00.html
The APEC Sydney summit promises to be a Keystone Cop comedy of ineptitudes and major disruptions – the possibility of an assassination is also a very real threat. Perhaps an air initiative may take out the entire group of world leaders – not that it would make the slightest difference to the status quo!
The fact that no one really knows anyone allows for an extremely broad scope of activity in all agency environments especially in circumstances where ethnic personnel are required. Few people forfeit their original cultural allegiances for the agencies’ or their adopted nation’s – this applies to numerous generations born (but victimised and discriminated against) in their adopted countries. Australian racism has made it particularly difficult to recruit patriotic personnel from ethnic backgrounds.
After decades of infiltration the highest to the lowest ranks of all Federal agencies have been compromised. This situation was inevitable, the clichéd image of activists and those who oppose conservatism, as feral, anarchic, existential, etc are only for popular consumption; the most effective members of the movement look like non-specific citizens, dorks, athletes and other characteristic types but never the clichéd image of the ‘perceived opposition’.
The Oz Federal Police Chief, Mick Keelty, today refuted claims that agency personnel numbers were inadequate, “the AFP doesn't have any problems at all attracting people to its ranks … in the last 10 years the AFP has grown by 30 per cent, and certainly in the last five years, since September 11, it's grown by 23 per cent. So we've had significant additional resources in the AFP,” he said. The State Police Union brought the issue to light after bitter complaints that duties, once the province of the Federal Police -- airport security and international security operations, APEC summit etc -- have been passed to State regulatory authorities at the expense of traditional community policing.
Rivalry between Federal and State regulatory authorities notwithstanding, the Police Union has a point. A spate of recent unsolved shootings in the centre of Sydney has highlighted the lack of State police expertise and efficiency. It would seem the latest complaints are only the usual exercises in buck-passing and whingeing from a clearly inept and inadequate NSW Police ‘force.’ Brazen shootings in popular venues are new to Sydney; citizens therefore expect results from police. Rather than face their obvious shortcomings, the State police are now engaging in the very lame game of blame!
If the issues were not serious the whole episode could be dismissed as infantile behaviour from our boy scouts in blue – the efficiency of NSW police was thoroughly compromised after an over zealous anti-corruption campaign eliminated the entire traditional knowledge base and methodology apparatus of the force. The result of the anti-corruption campaign that went too far is an increase in fresh-faced, youthful police but little improvement in expertise. Faced with that reality and escalating crime it is not surprising to witness public arguments between the various regulatory bodies.
The local media in a report of a failed intimidation to create a police informer has furnished proof of the ineptitudes of NSW policing. The story title is amusing, “Spy for us and we'll drop charge”, the story goes on to describe the most inept attempt at informer creation known to policing in Australian, inclusive of the fact that the attempt has made headlines in the local media! No hard rules exist regarding informer creation but a few solid practices were ignored in this failed attempt. Most potential informers face severe penalties or other intimidations, usually applied behind closed doors in police stations; in the circumstances the broad daylight, public approach was unorthodox to say the least, the following link provides an amusing read:

However, to return to the issue of compromised and inept policing/security in John Howard’s racist Australia. It is hardly surprising that ‘antagonistic’ local (anglo and ethnic) citizens have infiltrated Oz agencies. Few Australians agreed with Howard’s and Keelty’s political tactics in surrendering local youth to foreign powers to face the death penalty. Local agencies had the opportunity to allow a monitored importation of illegal substances and trace an entire network! However, the Prime Minister is known for his shortsighted political opportunism and short-term strategies; Australian youth were surrendered to a foreign power for the sake of political expediency. It is these practices and the racism of conservative Australia that compromises the agencies and the entire fabric of Australian society.
The results of John Howard’s divisive social policies are now evident to the entire community in the form of escalating crime and brazen shootings in the heart of Capital cities.
The person/s (activists, perhaps assassins) the agencies seek in relation to the approaching APEC summit may be known to the activist and broader political community; it is therefore with extreme prejudice that we cite government failures in relation to security and policing matters. The APEC summit may become the greatest security failure in Australian history. Infiltration/undercover operations are a two-edged sword; however, that sword has been broken by anti-corruption zealots in NSW. The State now faces gaping inefficiencies and a lack of urgently required expertise.
Perhaps we should surrender local policing to the Americans, John Howard has succeeded in surrendering the nation to America and allowing the wholesale plunder of our precious resources by foreign multi-national corporations. The future under any conservative government regardless of the particular flavour, Lib/Lab, is more of the same failures in social cohesion, integration and cultural identity.
The South Pacific is a REGION, Australia and New Zealand would do well to understand the advantages of sovereignty as opposed to servility. A nation is its land (resources) and its people, who but a coward and lackey would surrender the family jewels and cultural identity to a foreign power? We cite the tiny Island State of Singapore as an example of an independent sovereign nation/state. Singapore’s independence is in stark contrast to the servility of Australia to the stinking yanks and its rapacious multi-national corporations. The wealth of a nation belongs to its people NOT to thieving foreign corporations that rape, pollute and devastate.
See also:


The APEC Sydney summit promises to be a Keystone Cop comedy of ineptitudes and major disruptions – the possibility of an assassination is also a very real threat. Perhaps an air initiative may take out the entire group of world leaders – not that it would make the slightest difference to the status quo!
