UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Saga of Derby bus station continues
08-01-2006 21:43

Nottingham East Midlands Airport Roadshow
08-01-2006 16:33
NEMA’S Airport Master Plan and expansion plans to be publishedMaking flags and decor for this months Critical Mass
08-01-2006 14:51

ASBO website:

The Critical Mass will take place on Friday 27th January, meeting 5.30pm at the Savoy Cinema, Derby Road.
Previous article on Notts Indymedia about the Critical Mass:

Japanese Whaling Ship rams Greenpeace vessel in Southern Whale Sanctuary
08-01-2006 14:45

Anti Lydd Airport expansion-Update
08-01-2006 13:10
Newsletter from one of the groups opposing the expansion of Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh, Kent, (LAAG) see first post below and some info from the Keep The marsh Special Alliance.(2nd item)Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
UK's first dedicated biodiesel garage now open in Mcr!!
08-01-2006 00:45
We dont encourage anyone to drive, but if u have to...Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
'Energy Dissent' and the 2006 G8 Summit in Russia
07-01-2006 23:43
Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Newbury Bypass Ten Years On - (10yrs since work started - reunion)
07-01-2006 20:48

It's ten years on Monday since the destruction of around 10,000 trees began in ernest, or rather should have done - back then protestors scored an early victory by blockading the entrance to the security compound with scaffolding tripods, thus ensuring no vehicles could leave. The start of work heralded the most full-on phase of the '3rd Battle of Newbury', Britain's biggest ever road protest, which saw over thirty different tree camps set up to oppose the road and around one thousand arrests.
Japanese whaling: the real pirates and terrorists in the Southern Ocean
07-01-2006 10:58

nb repost from Aotearoa IMC
German supreme court rules police action against nuclear opponents illegal
06-01-2006 21:16
When more than four years ago police detained a woman protesting against transportation of nuclear waste for more than 22 hours, they were breaking the law, Germany’s supreme court has ruled. The Federal Constitutional Court was passing judgment on a complaint by Martina Lammers, chair of The Greens organisation in the north German county of Lüchow-Dannenberg where a nuclear waste storage hall is located at Gorleben.Shell / Co Mayo International Solidarity Actions Planning Meeting
06-01-2006 16:12
There will be an initial planning meeting at Larc on thursday 12th Jan @ 7pmNewbury Bypass reunion Sat Jan 7th
05-01-2006 08:58
There will be a reunion this weekend to commemorate ten years since the start of construction work on the Newbury bypass.BEYOND TV Film Night in Sheffield 7th January
04-01-2006 20:33

BEYOND TV presents a night of short films around the theme of climate change
end of year critical mass
04-01-2006 18:35

Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 against the Crossrail hole Bill
04-01-2006 15:06
Part B of the Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 for the scheduled May local council election to the east London borough of Tower Hamlets Council. That Council has been controlled by elements that are proBig Business and pro the city of London interests. The result is that a serious assault on the East End of London under the Crossrail hole Bill is due to be made lawful. The best way to stop[ this is to make the local Council representative of the community which needs and deserves fullest support and defence by its 'elected local council'. This manifesto has been drawn up to hell that defence.
Urgent Treesitters Eviction Alert in the South of the Netherlands
04-01-2006 15:02
Sunday December 4th GroenFront! (Dutch EarthFirst!) occupied the Schinveld forest in the SE of the Netherlands to protest agains the intended destruction of 6 hectares of woods. NATO and the Min. of Defense want AWACS radar planes on the nearby Geilenkirchen NATO base, just across the border in Germany, to off with more kerosene in their fuel tanks. The AWACS are being used in the middle east. We have built treehouses and tunnels and expect them to be evicted this Monday Jan. 9th by 700-1000 military and regular police. GroenFront! is calling upon cops and soldiers to refuse work on ethical grounds. Authorities are immensely nervous about the immense support of locals, and have now called a local state of emergency to quell any more protests. As this had led to even more outrage, many people from the town of Schinveld are pledging to come and support or participate in the eviction.Media Fabrications: Sea Shepherd Fights Back
03-01-2006 23:48
Just when we thought journalism had reached an all time low with the bogus article from the Guardian in the UK, the Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad brought it down into the sewer with a completely fabricated story. They write that Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd attempted to ram each other’s ships and that during the “sea battle” the Japanese fleet escaped and now both Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are desperately searching for the Japanese fleet.Plane Stupid Campaign building up steam
03-01-2006 10:59
The campaign to stop the third runway at Heathrow is building up steam, attracting lots of national press coverage. This follows the pie-ing of Alistair Darling, the disruption of the aviation conference and the demo on Towerbridge that meant the aviation bosses required a police escort.The Observer:
01-01-2006 21:54
The Observer reported today on how eco-activists and airport residents groups are gearing up to oppose airport expansion at Heathrow.