UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Food Not Bombs Leeds!
02-02-2005 12:16

PM Poodle can't have it both ways
02-02-2005 03:19
Prime Minister Tony Blair is now lecturing his ally about the need to take global warming seriously. The problem is we do take it seriously over here.June 10-12 Weekend of Resistance for Jeff 'Free' Luers
02-02-2005 02:25

friend and comrade: Oregon environmental political prisoner, Jeff “Free”
01-02-2005 18:49
A totally draconian Injunction was granted after a secret hearing on Friday 28th January banning "Persons Unknown" from protesting - at all! The worst parts of it were successfully challenged today in the High Court.Anti Linslade Bypass Protestors go to Road Builders Bucks County Council.
01-02-2005 13:15

Shoot a Vulture says Nick Ferrarri
01-02-2005 10:11
Nick Ferrari has done it again - "shoot a vulture" sic his comment on this morning 1 Feb 2005 breakfast show. The man shows his ignorance! When discussing the Africa crisis - he staes boldly to shoot a vulture rather than a giraffe or zebra. AFrica White-Backed Vultures as well as Cape Griffon vulture are ENDANGERED and RARE! DUH the lesson is - dont open your mouth unless youre aware of the facts.Vauxhall Sainsbury's targetted in anti-GM protest
01-02-2005 02:04
Some toffs from some leafy suburban estate in Surrey went for a jaunt into the bright lights of the inner city.4 people arrested in NZ at GE tree crop trial action
30-01-2005 20:24
Four people were arrested today while attempting to decontaminate the field trial of Genetically modified trees, all in the Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.Thes guys have been really inspired by UK GM actions - Please post them messages of support on the link below:

Saturday January 29th: new demonstration in Tenerife
30-01-2005 08:32
On Saturday January 29th at 11AM a new demonstration took place in Tenerife, this time in Santa Cruz´s neighbouring city of La Laguna:* Against antisocial, undemocratic and corrupt economic speculation in favour of a few at the cost of many
* In favour of genuine and sustainable ecological and social progress
Wimbledon Sainsbury's targetted in anti-GM protest.
30-01-2005 03:28
London Earth First! targetted a Sainsbury's in Wimbledon town centre in a protest against Sainsbury's sale of GM milkFirst pictures of Greenwash Guerrillas (05) in action
29-01-2005 11:28

Linslade anti-bypass camp Undermanned and facing closure.
28-01-2005 15:46
More people are urgently needed to man the camp that has been set up on the Linslade Bypass Route. To date we have been able to sustain a rota of a minimum of two people per night. A decision will be made on Sunday as to whether the camp can continue, if the rota for next week remains unfilled it is likely it will close.LINSLADE CAMP UNDERMANNED AND FACING CLOSURE.
28-01-2005 10:11
More people are urgently needed to man the camp that has been set up on the Linslade Bypass Route. To date we have been able to sustain a rota of a minimum of two people per night. A decision will be made on Sunday as to whether the camp can continue, if the rota for next week remains unfilled it is likely it will close.outnumbered at Linslade
28-01-2005 02:30
A quick update from Linslade protest camp. Two long rows of trees/bushes lost as protesters outnumbered by lots of cops + security.Iraq: Order 81
27-01-2005 15:55
As part of the systematic corporate looting of Iraq, the US is now about to destroy Iraq's agriculture, and in doing so, will destroy a heritage going back at least 10,000 years.Beyond Kyoto
26-01-2005 19:21
The predicted consequences of global warming are manifest.. In 2050 England will be half under water.. Production shifts to low-wage countries. Instead of preventing this shift, politics still urges all people to adjust to the little group of egoists.GM action: Sainsbury's visited
26-01-2005 10:45
There was a night-time visit to Sainsbury's, part of continuing activity against bio-technology.Kyoto Climate Demo London (Sat 12th Feb) + Regional Meetings
26-01-2005 00:23

Campaign against Climate Change

Greenwash Guerrillas struggle to stem tide of Shell greenwash
26-01-2005 00:11
Hi-tech Greenwash Guerrillas struggle to stem tide of greenwash oozing from Shell Chairman's Greenpeace Business Lecture, London, 25.1.05