UK Ecology Newswire Archive
29-06-2003 11:30
SECRET plans by America to tow a condemned fleet of contaminated ships around the coast of Scotland have triggered fears of an environmental catastrophe.Dubbed the Ghost Fleet, the 94 derelict and leaking US ships are packed with toxic chemicals, asbestos and oil.
Rainbow Warrior held after peaceful protest
28-06-2003 15:23
Authorities in Valencia, Spain have detained the Greenpeace flagship after a non-violent, peaceful protest against the importation of illegal and destructive timber over ten days ago. The Spanish Government has demanded a bond of Euro 300,000 in exchange for the ship's freedom.Rainbow Warrior held to ransom by Spanish authorities!
28-06-2003 15:11
Rainbow Warrior held after peaceful protest. Authorities in Valencia, Spain have detained the Greenpeace flagship after a non-violent, peaceful protest against the importation of illegal and destructive timber over ten days ago. The Spanish Government has demanded a bond of Euro 300,000 in exchange for the ship's freedom.100 since the Global Warming theory became fact
26-06-2003 02:41
What globalisation of western industailized acheivements means.No to the M74 Northern Extension in Glasgow
25-06-2003 18:11
The Scottish Executive plans to build a 6-lane elevated motorway through the southern suburbs of Glasgow. The M74 Northern Extension, would cost about £375-500 million and would be the most expensive transport project in Scotland.JAM74, a coalition of community, environmental and sustainable transport groups, believes this 1960s-style road planning will cause pollution, health problems, community breakdown and won't free up traffic or bring the jobs that are promised and calls for a halt to the road plans and independant research on alternative transport options.
Central London Critical Mass! Friday 27th June!
25-06-2003 14:17
Just a reminder to everyone that this month's Central London Critical Mass is taking place this Friday (27th June).FUSPEY films 1 and 2
25-06-2003 13:46

FUSPEY is a direction to work toward, individually and as a network. creativity is a very powerfull tool for change, we are trying to use art to communicate and to challenge (in a non-violent way)
a revolution in perception
GM Crops and Poverty
25-06-2003 10:46
The widespread adoption of GM crops seems likely to exacerbate the underlying causes of food insecurity, leading to more hungry people, not fewer. To have a lasting impact on poverty, ActionAid believes policy makers must address the real constraints facing poor communities - lack of access to land, credit, resources and markets instead of focusing on risky technologies that have no track record in addressing hunger.Sheffield Indymedia at Peace in the Park
24-06-2003 21:01

New car park in Crookes Valley Park
24-06-2003 20:49
We believe that, if this encroachment on the park is allowed to proceed, it will damage an attractive, tranquil and historic landscape, will destroy wildlife habitats in an inner city “green finger”, will create new risks for park users and will have a detrimental impact on nearby residents’ quality of life. In our view, these several costs far outweigh the likely benefits to be derived from the development.Superweeds: Setback for GMO Crops
23-06-2003 19:28
More on the uproar in Britain over GMO crops and their safety. From the London Independent, today, 6/23.Support needed at new road protest camp
23-06-2003 14:31
An urgent call for help is going out for a new anti-road protest camp just set up in beautiful West Sussex woodlands.FUSPEY network @ oxford
23-06-2003 10:19

FUSPEY is a direction to work toward, individually and as a network.
creativity is a very powerfull tool for change, we are trying to use art to communicate and to challenge (in a non-violent way)
a revolution in perception
Biotech Industry brings down UK Environment Minister
20-06-2003 18:18
BIOTECH INDUSTRY BRINGS DOWN UK ENVIRONMENT MINISTER"Meacher going in the middle of the GM debate leaves the British Government without a credible voice on the subject"
Prime Minister Tony Blair's decision to sack Environment Minister Michael Meacher is yet another sign that the Government is failing to take green issues seriously, Friends of the Earth
said today.
The On-the-line initiative - Audio Report
18-06-2003 09:58

Naked cyclist demonstration in Spain - Manifestación ciclonudista en España
17-06-2003 14:09

(In ENGLISH: public and international call.)
GM Nation. Birmingham 'debate'
03-06-2003 17:00
We've just got back from the Birmingham debate(3rd June NEC) - here are some of our observations....
GM Nation?
03-06-2003 09:33
'GM Nation?', the governments so-called public debate on GM food, is being launched today (3rd June).You probably haven't heard much about this because the government hasn't put aside much money for this exercise and probably doesn't actually want you to get involved...
Poodle wants to chew GM labelsPoodle wants to chew GM label
02-06-2003 07:54
The leaked memos in the Sunday Times article below make totally transparent the basis of the UK government's strategy on GMOs - pleasing Washington!What the article fails to make clear though is the steps the government has already taken to serve Washington's......