UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Nuclear Accident Southern France
17-09-2011 14:00
Accident at nuclear plant southern France near Avignon&the city of Nimes,50 miles north west of Marseilles&100miles NW of Cannes, westerly wind at this time of year will likely be taking any pollution into the mainland. Nuclear monitoring groups in the region report test levels of radiation 10 times above normal.Activism against Tar Sands, for a stable climate
15-09-2011 23:20

Solidarity Call For Gerze Community-Turkey
13-09-2011 20:59

‘Rain & Fire’ – Statement from a UK FAI sector
13-09-2011 12:46
statement by a UK sector of international informal anarchist federationGrowing Through The Storm
12-09-2011 17:12

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Urgent Appeal - Sab Van Stolen!! Donate Now!!
10-09-2011 06:59

Worldwide Animals Pitchforked, Boiled Alive, Bombed, Trapped, Starved, Abandoned
05-09-2011 14:52
Please see the video links at the end of the post
for documentation
Conservation organisations merge in effort to build momentum on bluefin tuna
01-09-2011 18:52

The fox cub hunting and sabbing begins
30-08-2011 21:25
Fox hunters begin to train their young hounds to kill by hunting fox cubsUK Activists at German Coal Blockade
30-08-2011 16:27
Since 10.30 this morning a group of over 50 activists have been blockading a coal transport railway in the Cologne area. The action takes place at the same time as the nearby international Climate Camp, protesting the open-cast mining of brown coal ( Mass
27-08-2011 02:09
London Critical Mass ride this friday was an excellent rideRossport – if Tuesday was not mad enough try today
25-08-2011 23:20

refinery and bounced back out again four hours later
The Black Fish is looking for crew members
25-08-2011 20:33

Film Night: Reclaiming our Food System
25-08-2011 14:35

Day of Chaos against Shell at Aghoos Compound
23-08-2011 22:01
A mass trespass stops work, one person on top of a digger for 4 hoursToday 25 people from Rossport Solidarity Camp sustained a barrage of actions against the site Shell is preparing for its tunnel boring machine. Despite 80 security and three vans of gardaí they were unable to keeps the protesters out. In the chaos that ensued one person got through the lines to d-lock themselves to one of the diggers and remained up there stopping work for 4 hours. Elsewhere other diggers had to stop working as protestors approached.
US Presidential Candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry: A Bilderberger Criminal
22-08-2011 17:56
As Cameron has his idly rich foxhunting supporters, Perry has his coterieof petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.
Cartoons on the riots, genetic engineering and fracking.
21-08-2011 19:52

A New Levellers Standard Yet To Be Advanced...
21-08-2011 10:53

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Huntington Lane Coal Site under eviction!
19-08-2011 12:41