UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Two antifascists imprisoned in Russia - support needed!
02-09-2010 17:56
A Call for International Days of Action in Support of Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov - September 17-20, 2010Animal Cruelty In 28 Countries
01-09-2010 03:03
animal cruelty in 28 countries(every country has animal cruelty)
Telephone blockade of oil company Cairn Energy
31-08-2010 10:06
Greenpeace climbers have successfully shut down a drilling operation by Cairn Energy in the Arctic. Now you can help in carrying out a telephone blockade of their UK office...A week of Hell for Shell
28-08-2010 17:49

Season for change in Britain? Citizen-led democracy
28-08-2010 11:31
More citizen-led democracy (the original rule-by-the-people) could become an important tool-kit for positive social and environmental change.Eco day at the Nerve Centre
27-08-2010 23:37
Sunday 29th August, 11am to 8pm - The Nerve Centre, Renshaw Street (old Rapid paint shop), LIverpool Climate Action and Critical Mass presents a day of workshops, discussions, demonstrations, films and fun, followed by a Sunset Bike Ride and party.In solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa
27-08-2010 15:42

Call-out for international solidarity with anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch
24-08-2010 14:43
Marco Camenisch, known for his active role in the anti-nuclear movement of the 70s, has been a political prisoner for almost 20 years. As a militant green anarchist he has been taking part in struggles, campaigns and protests in and outside prison during all these years. He is currently detained in Regensdorf, near Zurich.5 Activists Arrested for Taking Over FORTH ENERGY H.Q.
23-08-2010 15:05
This is the unspoken face of climate change. Logging concessions in Alaska, West Papua and the Congo are being offered to provide wood chip and pellets for Europe to burn as 'green energy'. Climate Camp activists targeted Forth Energy because of their plans to build 4 biomass power stations. Along with deforestation, biodiversity loss & accelerated climate change, millions of indigenous peole will be evicted. Local residents in Scotland will pay a high price from health-damaging emissions from burning wood.The Martians in Wonderland at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
23-08-2010 07:37

The White Rabbit visited the media tent to inform the media team about what the kids' bloc Children's Revolution was going to be all about to any journalists who might have been interested.
Police threaten hundreds of climate campers with arrest
22-08-2010 17:19
Hundreds of protesters swarmed about outside the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters opposite the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh and were threatened with arrest by police.Police arrest climate camp protesters after RBS windows broken
22-08-2010 17:03
Two climate camp protesters have been arrested by police after windows were broken on the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters building in Edinburgh.Local Scottish journalist Jono Warren has been reporting the protests at the Camp for Climate Action and tweeting on Twitter under the name “nmec”.
Cow Flesh Contains Even More Carcinogens Than Pig or Sheep Flesh
22-08-2010 16:54
Why is cow flesh even more dangerous than other mammal flesh?(The link is to a website of 1500 vegan physicians.. and not
the source of the article.)
The Martians Have Landed at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
22-08-2010 12:35

Produced and directed by the Children of the Eco-Warriors “The Martians Have Landed” will be the story of the kids' bloc Children's Revolution at the climate camp.
Right Wing Extremist Spies on Climate Campers with British Army Equipment
21-08-2010 17:24
There appears to have been a deadly serious game of cat and mouse going on between environmental activists, a local Scottish journalist, and the right wing extremist who has been threatening violence against the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh.Boasting that he is a professional soldier recently returned from fighting in Afghanistan where he says he killed Muslims for reading Islamic literature, and now posting his threats on Twitter under the name “wearethebritish” the extremist claims to have been using British Army military surveillance equipment to spy on the climate campers.
Children's Revolution Proposed at the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh
20-08-2010 13:48

It is being proposed that the climate campers should unite and join forces with the teenagers and students at the Edinburgh Festival to help create a new global youth movement to fight against global warming and climate change and to show the evil cowards who have threatened to burn down the climate camp that the eco-warriors will not tolerate this attempt to intimidate and terrorise them.
Call out for resistance: Stop UK Coal wrecking the Wrekin
19-08-2010 14:03

Three arrests as activists take site for Edinburgh Camp for Climate Action
19-08-2010 06:31
Three climate activists were arrested by Scottish police as they took the site for the Camp for Climate Action in Edinburgh which set up very close to the Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters at Gogarburn Gardens off Gogar Station Road just after 9pm yesterday evening.It is understood that the three who were arrested have all been released without charge.
Growing Resistance - near Edinburgh - 21st Aug
17-08-2010 15:38

For two years the community surrounding Airfield Farm have been objecting to Scottish Coals plans to open cast the area in order to remove two million tons of coal. In an independent survey 95% of local residents object to the planned mine.