UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Can Scottish Fungi Really Eliminate Depleted Uranium In Soil?
12-05-2008 11:02

Trial of Malaysian Activists is Ongoing.
12-05-2008 09:26

wednesday last. She is a regular commentator on both


info at:

Earth First! Action Update: May 2008
10-05-2008 23:31

Freeconomy Wrexham - Bringing and Taking in Brynteg
10-05-2008 23:02

Meeting of anti-nuke activists from seven countries
10-05-2008 22:42
Nuclear opponents from seven countries met in GermanyFrom 2 to 4 May about 150 anti-nuclear activists from about 40 centres in Germany as well as Russia, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, France and the Netherlands took part in the spring conference of the anti-nuclear movement in the German town of Ahaus, site of a nuclear waste dump.
New website: Leave it in the Ground
09-05-2008 23:35
a new website's gone live; it's as it says on the box - leave it in the ground!EDF circles British nuclear powerplant sites
09-05-2008 11:02
French nuclear energy colossus EDF, which also operates various types of non-nuclear generation in the UK, has been buying up farmland close to existing British nuke plants.Leave it in the Ground: open-cast coal mass trespass, 26th May
08-05-2008 21:14
A new open cast coal mine site is about to get underway in beautiful Derbyshire unless we stop it now.Oil prospecting in Sussex and Hampshire
08-05-2008 13:17
The prospects of $200 a barrel oil in the near future is making oil prospecting in Sussex and Hampshire look ever more likely. Residents nearby the proposed Northern petroleum sites at Hedge End, Hampshire and Forestside, West Sussex are anxiously awaiting the decisions of council planning officers. The sites are believed to contain several hundred million barrels of oil.Newcastle green festival 7/8 june
08-05-2008 09:10
Free green festival newcastle upon tyne,leases park 7/8 corperate sponsers,no cars,reclaim your planet
12pm till 6pm with after parties round the city
Native American Political Punk & Traditional Dance Group Comes to London
07-05-2008 14:38

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Eden Project Sexy Green Car Show: Almost Beyond Comment
07-05-2008 14:31

Mapuche tours Europe
07-05-2008 14:02

Last Chance to Shut the Door on GM Human Beings,ACT NOW!
06-05-2008 15:31
In just a few weeks British MPs will decide whether to allow scientists to start research on the ultimate step in genetic engineering: the creation of GM ‘designer’ human beings. In the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, now going through Parliament, the Government wants to allow the creation of GM human embryos, as the first step towards developing "safe" technology for creating GM babies. The creation of GM babies is not just a hypothetical scenario: leading British scientists, such as Robert Winston and Ian Wilmut, have already patented techniques for doing this, including patenting human semen and embryos.If you care about the impact of GM on food and the environment it makes no sense to be quiet about this.
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Anti-GM protest shuts down BASF UK headquarters
06-05-2008 08:06
BASF UK HQ currently completely blockaded by protesters.New Research into the Death of Bees
05-05-2008 06:28
The disappearance of the bees and other pollinators is the most crucial environmental question which we face. Here is a summary of the most recent German research into this question.Open Letter To My Fellow Apes Regarding Civilization
05-05-2008 03:53
Will we destroy all that informs us of who we really are?Direct Action + 13 countries = plenty of damage
05-05-2008 00:08

Featuring; Austria, Italy, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, USA & UK.