UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Eco Warriors send profits warning to Marshalls Plc
12-02-2004 04:20
Environmental activists who have taken possession of Endcliffe and Lees Cross quarry sites adjacent to Nine Ladies Stone Circle in Derbyshire have warned Marshalls Plc, and their subsidiary Stancliffe Stone Ltd, that they will face unprecedented and damaging costs if they attempt an eviction.Blackwood Legal update
12-02-2004 03:04
First the good news.Due to the discovery of dormice en route we have won a battle if not the war (yet!). Today, on the advice of CCW, the Welsh Assembly made Costain stop all work on site pending an (obviously, inevitably successful) application for the granting of a license to move the dormice. Whether the Assembly grant this license, or not, will obviously be a political, not an environmental, decision.
East Grinstead 'Relief Road'
11-02-2004 15:44
A housing development of 2500 homes is planned on a Greenfield site in East Grinstead, West Sussex, for 2006sherwood solidarity action
11-02-2004 13:27
An Action against Bellway Homes took place in Reading on Saturday 7th february.Canatxx Scandal. Where’s the Chief-Executive of Wyre Borough now?
10-02-2004 23:13
Wyre Borough Council vote to 'sell off the family silver'.EVICTION ALERT at Sherwood Protest Camp - HELP NEEDED!
10-02-2004 17:47
The residents of Mansfield Woodhouse's tree houses' and tunnels were today visited by the Sherriff and informed them that they would attempt eviction imminently.If you want to help them resist eviction, now is the time to do it! They need people on site now!
Fortune on Pentagon Climate Change Risk Study
10-02-2004 15:44
In depth article raising the stakes in the climate change debate. No longer how do we stop this, now it's 'what the hell are we going to do to mitigate the effects'... Note the parts relating to europe. Many people have long suspected that the increasing tendancy towards some united 'Fortress Europe' is simply a preperation for much worse times to come...Read full article here:,15114,582584,00.html
Greenpeace Evidence: disappearing glaciers of Patagonia
10-02-2004 15:33
10-02-2004 15:25
CALL FOR DAY OF ACTION MONDAY 16TH FEB COME FOR THE WEEKEND AND STAY FOR MONDAYJust got back god this is really like the old days. so easy to do stuff here come ON! i know other sites need help too but so do we....and work is happening here NOW chainsaws here NOW machinery arriving NOW....the woods needless to say are massive ancient and beautiful
10-02-2004 12:56
Another day of action against Bayer - from the comfort of your armchair.Council sells out Roundhay Park trees for lottery cash.
09-02-2004 17:06
Save Roundhay Trees UpdateCouncil sells out trees for lottery cash. Leeds Council officials are
feeling the heat as angry protesters learn how the Council hatched secret
plans with Heritage Lottery Fund to fell hundreds of trees in Roundhay
Park in return for lottery funding.
FoE & UN bio conf-meet-Malasia: 9-20Feb.
09-02-2004 14:54
Friends of the Earth Intl report from the UN Convention on Biologigal Diversityin Malaysia.
Wyre Borough Councillors gagged in Canatxx Gas Storage vote
08-02-2004 22:18
In a Kafkaesque paradox, Wyre Borough Councillors find that they cannot represent the views of the population who elected them.Sheffield Public donate £75 to Nine Ladies defenders
07-02-2004 16:28
21st Century Dambusters - Fighting Itoiz
07-02-2004 13:33
Your fearless Freedom reporter caught up with two activists from the Solidari@s asked them some questions. I refer to the two activists only as 'M' and 'C' to keep their identities secret. [from Freedom, Anarchist News and Views newspaper]
New Flood Defences Failing in Worcester
07-02-2004 13:17
Canatxx Gas Storage Ltd propose massive underground gas storage in Lancashire
06-02-2004 21:50
American gas companies application to Wyre Borough Council to store two billion cubic feet of gas in salt caverns under the Wyre estuary with huge impact on safety and the environment.Arooga! Help needed now - Ancient Woodland being felled
04-02-2004 11:09
Ancient Woodland is being felled NOW outside Blackwood, nr Cardiff, Cymru, to make an access road for an MoD site. The onfo below sent by someone on site. Chainsaws active NOW.