UK Ecology Newswire Archive
‘Lancet’ report, meat = environmental threat!
14-09-2007 22:02
Lancet medical journal report highlights ‘meat footprint’ issue.Activists sink another whaling ship
14-09-2007 09:42

Summer of Record Breaking Weather
13-09-2007 20:46
[NOAA just released it's report on this summer's weather. This is what global warming looks like.]How Bad Is the Climate Situation ...... Really?
13-09-2007 18:00
I became aware of the power of the climatedecades ago in college classes that were
the most interesting that I had. The professor
was not talking about 'Global Warming' or
'Climate Change' at all, only about the
immensity of the oceans and their affect on
the climate and weather.
Hydrogen Home Filling Station
13-09-2007 17:58
At your local auto parts store or big box weshould be able in the near future to buy a
package that contains a hydrogen producing
generator. It will be able to be connected to
a solar panel of any kind, and with DC current
it will split water into oxygen and hydrogen
gas. It is actually very simple. The device
will have a system which has probes placed
in water which when DC current is applied
will produce oxygen on one probe and
hydrogen on the other.
Fires burn During APEC Summit 2007.
13-09-2007 13:47
The APEC summit achieves nothing for Indigenous Australia. Millions of dollars have been spent for World leaders to purchase uranium in style, at precisely the same time that Australian Army and Police are sent to invade and occupy indigenous communities in the outback. Outback Communities are forced to sign mining leases under duress from a tyrannical Government refusing to legislate against Genocide, in direct violation of The United Nations convention on Genocide.NW road news - successes & dangers
13-09-2007 12:54
summer NW road buiding news (from Roadblock) - Stockport bypass refused, but...; Heysham M6 & MottramTintwistle bypass inquiriesDirect Action News From Greece
12-09-2007 20:18

12-09-2007 16:24
Friends Of Tara,Urgent call for support at Lismullin Henge. Contractors have moved in heavy machinery onto Archaeology site to divert the Sacred Gabhra River. SOS. Your help needed now.
Vigil Ph : 0861758557
Global Actions Against Heavy Industry
12-09-2007 14:55
Today, people in South Africa, Iceland, Trinidad, Denmark and America are protesting against heavy industrialisation. This is the first coordinated event of a new and growing global movement that began at the 2007 Saving Iceland protest camp in Ölfus, Iceland. The common target of these protests against heavy industry is the aluminium industry, in particular the corporations Alcan/Rio-Tinto and Alcoa.INDY-OAXACA SPEAKER @ LARC
11-09-2007 17:47
Our speaker is an IndyOaxaca activist, indigenous to the mixed territory of oaxaca and an avid community radio, video and print and independent media activist.Cycle to Recycle: A Radley Lakes Protest 15 September 2007
11-09-2007 14:19

FoE members vote for more honesty regarding meat/dairy devastation
10-09-2007 19:12
At the annual Friends of the Earth conference, local group members have voted strongly in favour of a motion drafted by Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans! The motion called for FoE to publish detailed information regarding the massive environmental impact of meat/dairy production, therefore allowing the general public to make an informed choice about their diet.Brazil: 185º anniversary of the independence. September the 7th, 1822.
10-09-2007 18:15
The place was chosen to receive resources from the PAG because it is an area of water sources and of ambient protection.Through Guarituba flow Piraquara and Iraí rivers. They are responsible for 60% of the water that supplies Curitiba and metropolitan region .
Solidarity demos with Iceland in North East England
07-09-2007 09:18
I feel a need to join in the 12th September international day of action - details of why on if you don't already know.If you wanna join a wee demo at one of the following sites, email me or come along to the Star & Shadow cinema, Newcastle, at 6.15pm on the 11th.
Green groups pull out of nuclear consultation calling it a sham
07-09-2007 09:07
GREEN GROUPS PULL OUT OF BROWN’S NUCLEAR CONSULTATIONIt’s a sham, they say, in blow to ministers’ nuclear ambitions
The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released
07-09-2007 02:54
Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Save Tara: Blockading the archaeologists
06-09-2007 21:42

The Speech of the Chief - Nuclear Energy on indigenous lands:
05-09-2007 19:11
Brazil wants to invest in nuclear energy: new mines and new power plants. But they do not ask the indigenous peoples. This is a documentary - DVD - about the Guarani Mbyá who as to live with two nuclear power plants on their land.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Save Tara: Protestors Walk The Line, Direct Action Halts Construction
04-09-2007 20:05