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Diggers invade the Walks - for a funfair

Land and Freedom film screening, Sunday 5th June
This Sunday, 5th June, at 7.30pm we'll be putting on a screening of Ken Loach's renowned film "Land and Freedom" at the Geldart.Demonstrate against the Uzbek massacres - London, 12 noon, Saturday 21st May 20
This demonstration has been called by a group of UK-based Uzbek dissidents, and is supported by Craig Murray, Britain's former Ambassador to Uzbekistan.Please disseminate this message as widely as possible
City of Culture becomes City of Slavery with the help of the YMCA
The Home Office have now ratcheted up the ante by re-introducing slavery through the form of 'voluntary service for people who have failed the Asylum System and needing subsistence and accommodation' with the assistance of the National YMCA Organisation.Liverpool YMCA is going to be the first voluntary sector agency to collude with the Home Office in the immigration slavery scheme introduced by section 10 of the 2004 legislation.
While Liverpool is parading on its City Of Culture, 2008 Status (more like Culture of Capital, Here & Now), it would be worthwhile stating historical fact - Liverpool was home to the Slave Trade - and now in 2005, Liverpool could and may well become home to the New City Of Slavery.
The YMCA and the Home Office have called for a 'Closed Door' Meeting to be held at Liverpool City Councils Millenium House on Tuesday 24 May 2005 from 12:40 - 14:40hrs.
The aim of this meeting from what I can gather, is to 'embrace community dialogue' - through restricting the meeting to just a few (highly-paid & self-anointed) NGOs (whose own sources of revenue are probably paid for by the Home Office...)
The question is, can real community dialogue be achieved like this?
The meeting was posted on the SmartGroups Liverpool asylum seeker and refugee support group:

----Section 4 Support - 'Voluntary Service'
>> There is a consultation meeting with the YMCA and
>> the Home Office about this on 24th May - 12.40 - 2.40
>> at Millenium House in Liverpool.
As you can see this is the only outside knowledge of this meeting.
I contacted the Liverpool YMCA today which people believe to be the site of the Pilot Scheme, and the Office Administrator has denied any knowledge of the meeting, but said that, "if it's not Liverpool then it might be Chester which will do it."
If the meeting is being held within Council premises, can Trade Unionists based within Millenium House please make and take action with regards to this?
UNISON, and other Unions the call-out for you is here.
Individuals with a conscience, please make your views heard on this subject.
The following links are related to this meeting:
YMCA slave labour scheme
Section 4 Support - 'Voluntary Service'
There is a consultation meeting with the YMCA and the Home Office
about this on 24th May - 12.40 - 2.40 at Millenium House in Liverpool.

IND has announced that YMCA England will be running a pilot exercise for Section 10 of the Asylum & Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc) Act in Liverpool.
Word document:

YMCA England Statement following meeting with Church Action on Poverty, Boaz Trust and Churches Commission on Racial Justice
Word document:

It is important that no-one allows this 'Pilot' to get off the ground.
While the YMCA may or could agree to the scheme, it can only be made unworkable if YMCA Staff take a stand on this issue - strike action, refuse on moral grounds, refuse on Health & Safety issues (will the refugees be given proper H&S training?)
Or perhaps I could 'release' the person out, if I saw a refugee doing what I called anything like 'labour'?
Or maybe, the homeless people within the YMCAs will start "getting refugees to do their 'dirty-work'", or cause deep divisions within already dis-enfranchised communities?
If this doesn't happen here, it could happen near YOU.
Maybe meet up at The Egg, Tuesday 24/05, 11:30am?
Anyone into it?
Banners, drums, trumpets, anything to make a party & noise.
Can the 'Outside Media' meaning The Echo/BBC do something on it?
Gordon "The Toad" MacLellan at Libra Aries Books
Gordon "The Toad" MacLellan will be speaking on "Recognising the Sacred in Everyday Places" at 4pm on Sunday 22nd May, at Libra Aries Books in Cambridge."'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" — on Holocaust Remembrance Day
I thought that “Never again!” meant never again for all humanity — not just never again for European Jews.How they forged the case against Galloway
The central document used against George Galloway this week by the senate committee in Washington is a forgery. Investigation by Socialist Worker shows that evidence crucial to the alleged case against the Respect MP is a fake, created after the fall of Baghdad in 2003Refusnik film screening, Sunday 22nd May

If your against the Invasion of Iraq, If your against the Occupation of Iraq, If your against the killing of 100,000 Iraqis by U$ and British forces, If your against attacks of Civil Liberties, then come down to Brighton, Defend the Right to Protest and support the Smash Edo Campaign!Anarchist Masquerade Ball!
A posh fundraiser for the mobilisation against the G8 summit.Saturday June 4th, 12-9 pm
Cambridge (in the Green Area, Strawberry Fair)
Dancing, Music, Info-shop, Speakers, Frivolity
Bring masks, ball-gowns, jackets, costumes, friends and political censorship
It appears that, a (currently) free online dating service for people in Cambridge, has a policy of not allowing the posting of "anti-government" material.University Clampdown on Campus Protest
Lancaster University has brought charges against 6 students and graduates after a peaceful protest against Arms Dealers and GM Companies on campus.Lebanese General Aoun addresses the crowd at Martyrs Square

Traveller eviction: Dale Farm
Dale farm will soon be facing eviction. It is a site nearto us, with about 1,800 people living there. So basically,
an entire village will get bulldozed. This Saturday, there
is a march by travellers and supporters: The Dale Farm Freedom March. It is a good first step in finding out how we can help, and a chance to show some solidarity.
weekend training in Nonviolent Direct Action, Legal skills, and Action Support.
This in-depth training is a chance to come together withother likeminded people and prepare yourself for taking direct action or supporting others to take action at the G8 Summit and beyond.
Cannabis March Confirmed for this Sunday
A Cannabis Education March and Rally is being held this Sunday (May 15th)Assemble 1pm at Russell square to march to a rally in Trafalgar Sqare at 3pm
Wireless World: Bomb detection wirelessly
A story about stopping terrorists in their tracks.BBC Election Bus: Follow Up Pictures