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Free software websites shut themselves down over EU patent proposals
Free Software websites worldwide, but especially those based in Europe, have placed protest notices on their front pages regarding the impending European Parliament decisions on the introduction of software patents by the European Union. The vote, originally scheduled for 10 June 2003, was scheduled to take place on 1 September 2003 but has been delayed for another month due to unprecedented public controversy in the programming community. At the height of the protest, it was reported that about 2700 websites had placed protest notices on their front page. Here is a selection of the notices from the sites of the Free Software world:Raising the level of discussion in IMCs
How can we raise the level of discussion in IMCs?Demonstrations against EU Software Patents in Belgium

Update from Palestine
This is an update that was sent to the Cambridge IMC from a friend regarding the current situation in Palestine.Letter from a friend in Hebron
This letter was sent to us by a friend in reclaim the streets at dsei meeting
the next reclaim the streets meeting organising a street party at dsei is on tuesday august 26thFight back against british waterways
Your freedom to roam the waterways of britain is about to be curtailed by a new law.DSEi contact details
for deatils of DSEi exhibitors from your area you can refer to the following indymedia sites. hopefully this will be duplicated on the website shortly(ish)Fighting the EU IP Enforcement Directive / Campaign for an Open Digital Enviro
The proposed EU Intellectual Property Enforcement Directive is another nasty bit of big brother legislation. It will forbid Europeans from removing or deactivating Radio Frequency (RFID) tags embedded in clothing and other consumer devices, as well as giving intellectual property holders (ie CORPORATIONS) broad subpoena powers to obtain PERSONAL INFORMATION about ANY EU CITIZEN allegedly connected to an infringement of ip...Gillette abandon use of smart-chips following protests
Gillette have abandoned the use of RFID smart-chips in products following a recent trial of the technology in Tescos supermarket in Cambridge, which attracted protests by local residents.What is on researcher's mind?
About manipulating with mass media; short article on mass media abuse possibilities.EU directive would forbid removal of RFID tags
RFID tags can be embedded in items you buy, and then broadcast information about that item to anyone listening. The proposed EU IP Enforcement Directive includes a measure that would make it illegal for Europeans to de-activate the chips in RFID tags. This would mean that, if you bought an RFID tagged item, you would have no way of preventing it from violating your privacy.Evening Std runs Story on Tesco Gillette RFID Chip Trial + Campaign
Evening Std Covers RFID chip story / anti-campaign:
Boris Lidovski Must Stay - campaign public meeting
Cambridge postal worker Boris Lidovski is threatened with deportationto Russia despite real fears for his safety if he returns.
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering)is calling for a worldwide boycott of Gillette products since the
company failed to renounce a Gillette Mach3 "smart shelf" spy system.
Twelve asylum seekers escaped from the government's flagship refugee centre after scaling the perimeter fenceTESCO tags Cambridge shoppers

Home Office Disappears Another Family