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day of massed action aginst h l s supporters
despite the best efforts of netcu and police and astrazenec securitey protesters were not deteredAnimal Rights Cambridge Response to the Haiti Disaster
One disaster, one response. Justice for ALL!Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil Pictures 16-01-2010

Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil
Cambridge Stop the War Coalition and Palestinian SolidarityCampaign to hold vigil to oppose the continuing suffering of the Palestinian people.
Cambridge Anti-Militarist Film Night
Cambridge Anarchists will be showing the film "On the Verge" about Smash EDO on Sunday 10th Jan. at the Cafe Project, Jesus Lane.Day of Action Against HLS in Cambridge
Day of action against HLS. Friday 15 January 2010, meet 9.30am in the Market Sq., Cambridge Town Centre.Remember Gaza 2010

Charles Clarke Urges Jumping Ship…But It’s Already Sunk!
Or 'Charles Clarke....What A Cock!'Zippos Circus Protest – Charges Dropped!
Charges dropped against protesters arising from a demo at Zippos Circus on 22nd October 2009 in Cambridge.Some facts about Zippos:
-Zippos employed a man who defended infamous abuse at Chipperfield's circus in court. After watching footage of the thrashing and kicking of a baby chimpanzee he was asked “See anything which would constitute cruelty?” he replied unequivocally “No". Asked if he would do the same he said “Yes”!
-Zippos Circus have been exposed by Animal Defenders International, for keeping their horses in trailers without exercise for hours on end.
-'The way that young girl brandished the whip was obviously scary to the horses' 'When the man raised his hand the budgies flinched. Every time!' - Audience Member, 2009 Performance.
Multiple Climate Protests Hit Cambridge - Darwin Speaks!

This comes as Charles Darwin has finally broken his shameful century of silence on climate change, warning the world - 'Climate Change = Extinction'.
8th International Symposium Against Isolation

Campaiging cyclists on the road from Cambrige to London

Smashing Smash EDO update
Past, on-going and future Smash EDO update...With lots of ways to participate!Report of protest for Palestine at Celtic vs Hapoel Tel Aviv with photos

Good News for 209radio!

Save 209radio! Station will close today (30th Nov) without everyone's help.
209radio needs your help TODAY if it is to survive.Leafletters Target Barclays in Falmouth
Kernow Action Now (KAN) leafletted the Falmouth branch of Barclays this Saturday in support of the Target Barclays day of action.Several cops turned up (apparently a rare occurrence in Falmouth) and cops were also posted outside Barclays' Truro branch
Read KAN's statement on the Target Barclays campaign here -

actions have, so far, taken place in:
Cambridge -

Brighton -

Wrexham -

The Free Shop strikes again!

Barclays targeted with the truth - more pictures.