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Sat 25th Nov: Housing Co-ops in Cambridge, a day of talks and workshops
Sat 25th Nov: Housing Co-ops in Cambridge, a day of talks and workshops10am-5pm Ross Street Community Centre, Ross Street, just off Mill Road.
Housing Co-ops in Cambridge: The Future
Affordable community livingDo you want to
* Live sustainably?
* Know your neighbours?
* Have control of your own housing?
READ ALL ABOUT IT – UK-Portuguese newspaper launched in Thetford, Norfolk

Cambridge Green Open Forum this Thursday
Just a quick reminder about the last Cambridge Green Open Forum of the year taking place this Thursday (16th) at 8 p.m. at the Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, 8 p.m.And Plane Stupid strike Cambridge
Following the call by direct action group Plane Stupid for a National Day of Action against short haul flights, activists in Cambridge have also taken to the streets..Viva! Duck Day Cambridge
Get involved in educating the public in Cambridge to help the ducks on the 11th for Viva’s day of action.Peace of History

Cambridge students occupy!

Richard stop lobbying for an even higher university tuition fee. They have been in occupation of the Sedgewick lecture block since 6pm. At 10 pm they were threatened with academic discipline by Chief provost Dr. Frank King, who asked them to leave. They refused and have hunkered down for the night.
CEN allies with anti-abortion brigade
The CEN frontpage today is a scape goating headline against those medical staff who practice abortionsCambridge Anarchist Cheerleaders! Recuiting Now!

Second Kind Of Bayer GM Rice Detected In EU

French authorities' recently found unauthorized rice LL62 in France imported from the U.S. and notified the European rapid alert system, spokesman Philip Tod told Dow Jones Newswires
Demonstrate against climate change (Cambridge details)
Last year's demonstration against climate change was the largest ever of its kind - let's top that this year!Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
Cambridge Student Challenge Rolls Royce
Press release about a Cambridge Students Against the Arms Trade action challenging Rolls Royce's recruitment attemptsa few more sack parliament photos

Autonomous Study Project (ASP)
The first post-holiday meeting of the Autonomous Study Project, will beTuesday, October 10th, 8 pm in S15 of Pembroke college.
We will be discussing the "Temporary Autonomous Zone" (TAZ) by Hakim Bey. A
copy of the essay, along with more details of the meeting is available at

Activism in Cambridge (a public meeting on getting involved)
Activism in CambridgeA public meeting about getting involved in local organising
Wednesday, October 11th, 7 pm.
Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane
here is a map
An opportunity to learn about various community organising efforts in
Cambridge and how to get involved.