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Sizewell Camp and Demo

If you do not think nuclear power is the answer to climate chaos come and join us in the 2 day demo and camp this weekend.
Where - Sizewell A and B, Suffolk UK.
When - 25th April
Time -12 noon

Emergency Protest In London 11th April Please Come

G20 Protest Pictures, part 4

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G20 Protest Pictures, part 3

G20 Protest Pictures, part 2

G20 Protest Pictures, part 1

Bungalow Explosion: Another Side To The Story.
I knew Mr.Donald (aka Derek) Joyce, the man who decided to blow up himself and the bungalow he lived in when he knew that Bailiffs were being sent around to evict him.I am posting this story here so that the truth of it can start to
ripple out across Cambridgeshire, and I hope that questions will be
asked in the wider community as to why this tragedy occurred, why
nothing was done sooner to deal with what was essentally a very simple
problem to solve.
Cambridge residents Camping for Climate Action in London's financial district
On April 1st 2009, a number of Cambridge residents successfully established a Climate Camp outside the European Climate Exchange, in protest at the UK government's contradictory policies on climate change.G20 Map - Squaring Up to the Square Mile - Easily printable versions
Get your maps here! Get your maps here! - Map of the Square Mile
Technological gremlins and exhaustion have been banished and more easily printable versions of the maps of the Square Mile and the ExCeL Centre have now been sorted. A3 is the best size for the Square Mile map, so for those without A3 printers, there are two A4 versions you can print out and stick together with old-fashioned sticky tape. The map is downloadable as a JPEG or PDF in A4, A3 and split A3 versions, in black and white or colour.
Here's the full map: Version for printing to A3 - JPG | Version for printing to A3 - PDF | Version for printing to A4 - JPG | Version for printing to A4 - PDF
However, it's best to print an A3 map on two A4 sheets and tape them together:
Here's the two parts in colour: Part One Colour PDF | Part One Colour JPG | Part Two Colour PDF | Part Two Colour JPG
And here they are in greyscale: Part One Greyscale PDF | Part One Greyscale JPG | Part Two Greyscale PDF| Part Two Greyscale JPG
And here's the map of the ExCeL centre: Excel Map PDF | Excel Map JPG
Finally, here's a Button/Banner to embed and link to the map.
500th day celebration for keeping Tescos off Mill Road

To mark this occasion, tables, chairs and stalls were set up in front of the old Wilco premises and a street party took place, replete with music.
Letter from Tristan Anderson's parents
Letter from Tristan Anderson's parents.Pepsi, CVS, JPMorgan Chase, ATT all connected to Yum Foods & KFC
To facilitate a quick victory for a boycott, it is good to boycott all brands of thatcorporation, to research its board of directors, its foreign govt. connections
Pepsi, CVS, JPMorgan Chase, ATT all connected to Yum Foods and
KFC with interlocking management.
VIGIL CAMBRIDGE, in solidarity with Tristan Anderson & Palestine
Posting to let people know about a vigil in Cambridge at 5pm-7.30pm tonight, Thursday, 19th March, outside the Guildhall, Market SquareTristan Anderson - CRITICALLY INJURED & KILLED PROTESTORS - Ni’ilin, West Bank
This is a news alert sent out to local and national media offices to inform them of Tristan Anderson's injury and of the deaths in Ni'lin of Palestinian demonstrators, including children, killed in the last 6 months by the Israeli military. This also contains some links to footage of the incident (which is really horrible but important and is documents the lack of crowd's or stone throwing at the time of the shooting). Also Gabrielle Silverman, Tristan's girlfriend speaks really powerfully on Democracy Now and would be good to get a link to this up on Indymedia.Joke of a McDonalds trial continuing on April 1st
No this ain’t a April fools day prank, the joke of a trial does continue!Lawsuit Filed Against Huntingdon Life Sciences
Huntingdon Life Sciences (Life Science Research) has reported the filing of a purported class action lawsuit against the Company in connection with the proposal made by Andrew baker to buy all of the outstanding shares of the company.Online Sit In Against HLS- Friday The 13th- ROUND TWO!!!
dfPeterborough Stadium Demo - Saturday, March 21st

6pm - 7.30pm