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Protest Against the Israeli Ambassador's Visit to Warwick Uni Campus Tomorrow
We've learnt that Ron Prosor, the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, will be speaking on Warwick Campus tomorrow at midday, as part of the Limmud conference. Clearly this is very short notice - it's been kept under wraps as far as I can tell. If you can make it along to protest, then please do, it's really important to have a presence, given the current situation.National Anti-Vivisection Day of Action - Mon 19th Jan
In solidarity with SHAC campaigners in court on this day for sentencing(and all other animal rights prisoners)SHAC v HLS
4 peaceful animal rights campaigners have today been convicted of serious offences. Most journalists like to avoid reporting the real issues and the truth regarding the SHAC campaign. Read on for an alternative to the crap that you`ll read elsewhere.SHAC Shareholder Shakedown Continues
For this action alert we will be continuing with HLS shareholders and we are asking you to contact Wells Fargo who own 147,511 shares in LSR (The Ticker symbol used by HLS on the New York Stock Exchange).Novartis Award Ceremony Invaded


Vigil for International Animal Rights Day

Campaigners Brand Performance ‘Insensitive’
Animal Rights CambridgeWhy we shut Stansted Airport
Monday's action has shown the power of young people determined to turn the climate talk into climate action. We took the decision to disrupt the airport to directly reduce the CO2 impact of Stansted, as a response to the government's consent to its expansion. We did so with heavy hearts, knowing it would disrupt passengers, because we knew the consequences of this action couldn't be worse than the consequences of inaction. If irreversible climate change kicks in, millions of lives will be destroyed.
McDonalds Trial Cambridge - Postponed, AGAIN!
The trial is now on 2nd March at9.30/10.00 @ Cambridge Magistrates Court
12 St. Andrews Street,
One article from a greek free radio
About the greek riots .. from a free radio Thessaloniki in GreeceMcTrial Cambridge – This Monday!
An all day trial so get some McDonalds Burgers in!Who said the police never lie? Lakenheath 8 trial update.
On Monday 1st December 10 am, the Lakenheath 8 began their trial on charges of SOCPA 128 and Criminal Damage.Wreaths were laid at the door of Ipswich crown court in remembrance of Margaret Moss, one of the defendants who died in 2007, and for all the victims of cluster munitions.
After a late start due to an unforeseen ‘Irene’ incident the trial started at 1.30pm.
First into the witness box for the prosecution was Mrs.'I know nothing' Rice, deputy director of Air Staff, responsible for all policy matters relating to United States visiting forces. She has held this position in London for 18 years.
Domestic Violence Victims failed by government legislation

Norwich Food Not Bombs Benefit Rave!

Wanted -Court Support!

Mill Road Tesco refused again

The Inspector concluded:
“I find that both of the realistically available servicing options would pose unacceptable risks to highway safety, which would not be outweighed by benefits or the fallback position. I therefore conclude that both appeals should be dismissed.”
E.ON backs down in struggle for Kingsnorth
National wave of student protest forces energy giant to abandonrecruitment tour
Anti-coal protests at graduate careers fairs around the UK have forced
E.ON to cancel the remainder of its recruitment tour. The energy company,
which is planning to build a new coal power station at Kingsnorth, Kent
[1], has seen at least seventeen of its careers events disrupted over the
last few weeks [2].
Cambridge Holds Corporations to Account

Lakenheath 8 go to trial over 2 years later..

On the 2nd October 2006, 8 people cut the fence ran into the US military base and locked themselves to the gate of the Special Munitions Store at RAF Lakenheath in order to stop the use of those weapons and in order to secure evidence of War Crimes.