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<< Page 111 | Page 109>>Child Stealing By The State Conference The Suncastle Skegness Lincolnshire
Andrew Peacher01754 228 273
Wensday 12th Thursday 13th September 2012 The Suncastle Skegness
Child Protection The Future of our families Conference
Dear Sir/Madam
I Would like to invite you to the Annual Conference of the Child Protection and the future of our families conference to be held on Wensday 12/13th of September at the suncastle
in skegness lincolnshire.
The conference which will start at 9am on the 12th of september which will focus on child protection and the need to keep families together.
We have many guest speakers including Child Protection officers we have Brian Gerrish ex navy Uk column newspaper roger hayes the british constitutional group MP John hemmings we have parents such as lucy allan and tina challonor google these names be amazed.
We also have Dr carley from the usa speaking via skype link We have parents and children speaking.
We are looking for Orginizations small and large.firemen,gps,health,care, Police,Nhs,ChildProtection,mps,Socialworkers,socialservices,fostercarers,Solicitors,Judges
These people are needed to give a balanced view to the conference the difficulties of child protection the mistakes made the Legislation the future of child protection the focus to support families more and to keep children with natural parents.
The aims of the conference is to which aims to prevent physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect of children
by promoting the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children. We aim to promote the rights of children
as citizens, through multi-disciplinary collaboration, education, campaigning and other appropriate activities'
The Other aim is to stop stories like this one and asking those involved in child protection to think before they remove children

1:-The fact is that parents who have committed no crime are losing their children to forced adoption!
2:-Experts who depend on court appearances for a living, nearly always agree with the local authority.They make predictions that parents just might abuse their children (including newborn babies) in the future ,so these parents lose their children to permanent fostercare or adoption,not for something they have done but for something they might (or might not) do!
3:-Over 1000 UK children /month are taken into care ,Fosterers are paid an average £400/week per child (birth mothers get around £20/week),and a foster agency founded by social workers getting around £1500/week per child was recently sold for £130million !A real money driven industry !!
4:-Parents whose children have been taken are gagged and threatened with prison if they protest publicly;At contact parents are gagged again and forbidden to get emotional,to speak any foreign language,or to discuss the case with their children otherwise contact will be stopped.
5:-More children are taken for emotional abuse than physical and sexual abuse added together.Despite "baby P" the number taken for physical abuse is steadily falling as a percentage of the total number of children taken.
6:-What are the solutions?
(a)Impose criminal rules of evidence in family courts so children cannot be taken unless parents are proved to have committed a crime affecting their children. Also parents would be free to obtain a second opinion from an expert of their own choosing.
(b)Abolish all gagging of parents leaving them free to protest openly if their children are taken, and also to say what they like to them at contact without censorship ! Two very simple changes, two very obvious solutions.,but will anyone impose them and derail the moneytrain? Don't hold your breath
I Andrew Peacher Orginizer would kindly ask you to be a speaker or to attend the event please get back to me in writing at the above or by email tel 01754 228273
There is special hotel rates being orginized at the savoy hotel skegness for any one interested just quote the conference by myself when booking.
The numbers are limited for the conference which is totally free to all i would appreciate a confirmation by the middle of august for further details please contact me
The conference has been requested by Parents who have lost their children to child protection it will be a pleasure to hear from like minded professionals as well.
I would like to ask if you could put our event details on your website on your office notice board or simply tell a friend or collegue This conference is for tommorrows children.
Andrew Peacher
Obama Planning More War
America's favorite pastime isn't baseball. It's war, permanent imperial wars that won't end in our lifetime Dick Cheney said earlier. America is addicted to war. One nation after another is ravaged and plundered. Unchallenged global dominance is sought. Who's next? Syria? Iran? Washington's long knives target both countries. On June 29, AP headlined "US, Russia fail to reach agreement on Syria, jeopardizing Annan plan to end crisis," saying: Before heading for Geneva, Hillary Clinton and Sergey Lavrov met in St. Petersburg. Differences between them weren't resolved.US Democrats come out for the news
US Democrats come out for the newsExtradition film screening Cambridge
Extradition film screening CambridgeSunday 8th July 2012
2 - 4pm
Cambridge Mosque
... CB1 2DZ
Diggers2012: Two Week Anniversary At Runnymede


Washington Arming Syrian Insurgents
It's no surprise. It's an open secret. It's been ongoing since early last year directly and/or indirectly. Rhetorically supporting peace while waging war exposes Washington's transparent hypocrisy. On June 15, the UK Daily Telegraph headlined "US holds high-level talks with Syrian rebels seeking weapons in Washington," saying: In the past week, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) representative met with outgoing Syrian ambassador Robert Ford and special Syrian coordinator Frederick Hof at the State Department.Romney's Abusive Record Re Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Cats, Dogs
Please send this to animal rights groupsFemCells Women-Only Gig Tonight!

Cambridge Supermarket Smashed in Solidarity with Kulon Progo.
CAF acts against Tesco, Cambridge.Israel: Racist Country !

Anti-nuclear groups excluded from meeting

Nato air strike 'kills Afghan family'
A Nato air strike has killed eight members of a family in the eastern Afghan province of Paktia, local officials say. A provincial spokesman said a couple and their six children died in an air strike on Saturday in the village of Suri Khail, Gurda Saria district. Nato says it is investigating the reports. Earlier, the alliance said four of its soldiers had died in separate bomb attacks in Afghanistan on Saturday. 'No Taliban link' ......Berkeley's Bayer Bee Killers Stung by Critics

Pesticides leak sparks fears over new homes. Hauxton

Media Scoundrels Promote War on Syria
Syria's a battle zone. Western generated violence is to blame, not Assad. America's media scoundrels claim otherwise. They want him ousted by any means, including war. An April 9 Wall Street Journal commentary said "Syrian government forces (keep) bombing and killing...." Assad "reneged on (his) promises to end the bloodshed." Washington "and its allies (are) doing little or nothing to depose (his) regime. (The) illusion of diplomatic progress serves as cover for the Assads of the world to do more killing. Your move, President Obama." Like all scoundrel media commentators, Journal contributors blame victims, not villains. Their readers are betrayed, not informed. Wall Street Journal contributor Fouad Ajami long ago sold out to imperial interests for whatever he gets in return. He showed it in an op-ed headlined, "A Kosovo Model for Syria," saying: "In the Obama world, the tendency to wait has become official policy: It is either boots on the ground or head in the sand." ......Myriad Reasons To Avoid The Toxins Of Petrefying Animal And Fish Flesh
Today March 20th for many years has been Meatout Day, when millions are urgedto kick the meat habit.
There are ethical, health, environmental, food yield,
energy, aesthetic, economic and spiritual reasons to avoid
animal flesh.
Traveller Solidarity Network brings its Info Night to Cambridge
On Sunday 25th of March members of the Traveller Solidarity Network are coming to Cambridge to hold an info night on the issues effecting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities. The tour hopes to bring together grass roots activists, human rights groups, and those from travelling communities with the aim of building the GRT civil rights movement.Camp and Demonstration at Sizewell nuclear power station April 20th to 22nd