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Residents to Get Id Cards Ahead of G8 Summit
Children as young as eight living near Gleneagles will be issued with identity cards as part of a massive security operation ahead of next year’s G8 summit, it emerged today.More Questions for UK Home Office

Cambridge Meeting about Pensions

Kelly speaks from Israeli prison after first week
Kelly (23) from Madison (Wisc, US) was arrested last week during demonstration against the Apartheid Wall near the village of Bil'in. She is being imprisoned and deported by the Israeli Ministry of Interior because of her role as a community activist in the collective.Treatment of Children in Oakington violate Prison Inspector's recommendations.
PRESS RELEASE FROM CAMBRIDGE ACTION NETWORKTwo year old Sidhaant, who has been imprisoned at Oakington Immigration Reception Centre for 54 days, will more than likely spend his festive season in harmful detention. Sidhaant is mentally and physically suffering from his long experience of detention and has been repeatedly in need of what limited medical attention is available at the centre. There has been a recognised viral outbreak at the prison for some time now with inmates suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. Sidhaant has been unable to digest food properly, has suffered from the viral outbreak, and has been losing weight. One doctor told the parents that if they came to him under normal circumstances he would recommend they take their son to a hospital to be seen by a paediatrician and undergo the necessary tests to ensure his recovery. The doctor also told the family that, as they are prisoners, he was unable to insist on this treatment.
On Thursday 16th December the Hon Charles Vaudin D'Imecourt, the adjudicator at the bail hearing of Sidhaant and his parents, assured the family that their child would be better off in prison than outside, as part of his dismissal of the bail application.
This decision completely ignores the recently released Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) Report on Oakington. "It remains our view that the detention of children should be exceptional, and only for very short periods," said prisons inspector Anne Owers.
Severely disabled, mentally ill: the truth about Broadmoor 'terrorist' emerges
He is known to the outside world only as "P". Nearly two years ago, he was arrested without charge and imprisoned as an alleged foreign terrorist And he is an alleged terrorist who has no arms.He had had prosthetic arms but had been arrested two years earlier, and the police had broken those arms. They'd actually caused wholesale damage.State Sanctioned Child Abuse

Continues Throughout Christmas
More torrid tales of Immigration abuses
UK Medical Textbook Must Delete "Gay Bowel Syndrome"
"Gay Bowel Syndrome" Must Be Deleted from UK Medical TextbookKelly Minio-Paluello arrested for filming peaceful demonstration near Ramallah
Journalist and community activist Kelly Minio-Paluello (23) was arrested brutally by Israeli Border Policemen while filming a peaceful demonstration on Tuesday outside Ramallah, Occupied Palestinian Territories. She is currently being held in Hadera Detention Centre awaiting deportation. Kelly has visited Cambridge several times. Her husband, Cambridge activist Mika Minio-Paluello, remains in Palestine.2/42-alpha : children 'in prison' near Cambridge
2/42-alpha : children 'in prison' near CambridgeThe case of 2/42-alpha is descriptive of abuses occuring on behalf of the home office. 2/42-alpha comprises Monica, her son Sidhaart and her husband Anoop who, after living with in London for two and half years, have now been imprisoned in Oakington Reception Centre for 46 days. They have just been told that their deportation will be "within the next month". The weight loss and sickness of their child, the impact of detention on mental health, and the fact that multiple reviews have recommended that children are placed in deportation centres for absolutely no longer than a few days... seem to mean nothing.
2/42-alpha applied for bail today and their application was turned down. Tonight they sleep just down the road in Longstanton, in a 'prison'.
Done up like kippers in Brighton!

New Doorstep Green in West Norfolk

various sizes on the site of a former dump just to the south of the
mouth of the River Nar in King's Lynn.
NO2ID Campaign gets off to 'interesting' start in Cambridge

worldwide climate change conference in Buenos Aires
The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change is taking place in Argentina from 6 to 17 December 2004.
Over 6,000 participants are gathering in Buenos Aires to decide on the fate
of the global climate. After Russia´s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol,
it is now coming into effect on 16 February 2005. Following are the comments of a participant at the conference.
Compulsory ID and forced labour in Fallujah
See Returning Fallujans will face clampdown: la
Walks Users Criticise Obscure Planning Application

Messages of support family killed anti-nuke protester
A couple of weeks back, a French anti-nuke protester died during one of the recent Castor-nuclear waste blockades. His family have signalled that they are happy to receive messages of support.Human Rights Act Victory for Fairford Coach Action
COACH-NAPPED PROTESTORS “VIRTUALLY PRISONERS” RULES COURT OF APPEALAnti-war protestors are today celebrating a Court of Appeal ruling which
held that the police acted unlawfully in detaining them for 2½ hours without
Who's behind the oil-for-food scandal?, MUrdoch, Conrad Black and the Neocons
His "smoking gun" was the news that Kofi Annan's son received payments of $150,000 over several years from a company that was a contractor in the oil-for-food programme.Where did this news come from? The New York Sun, a tiny newspaper founded by Canadian mogul Conrad Black four years ago as a mouthpiece for the neo-cons.