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Another Attack on Zanon Occupied Factory

Original Spanish text, bad translation follows:
Traveller interveiws from 9th April Demo

Audio report: Traveller's voices: 9th April 2005

(BAYER) FDA Orders Levitra Ad Off the Air

Cambridge Forum - New Resources for Campaigning
Next Tuesday, April 19th, we have a slightly different kind of Cambridge Forum meeting, entitled New Resources for Campaigning.World lab day postponed
World Day for Laboratory Animals has been postponed this year and the "The Real World Day". This will be held on Saturday 28th May 2005IRAQ'S OIL FOR BOBMS WAR CRIMES:Hypocracy of Media
The the Corporate Media is heralding the American propaganda about the Oil for Food Program, as a smoke screen of deceit and duplicity.The occupation power,just in first year, pocketed 8 Billion dollar of Iraqi oil money.In addition there is no trace of billions of dollars of Iraqis oil revenue.Iraqis have got is bombs and dstruction.Fire Bombs in Iraq:Napalm By Any Other Name
This briefing examines the continuing use of incendiary weapons("napalm") by the US military in Iraq. While the UK government has
attempted to downplay or deny the use of incendiaries in Iraq, US
officials have been forced to admit using the MK-77 incendiary, a modern
form of napalm. The UK is party to an international convention banning
such weapons where they may cause harm to civilians. In Iraq, UK forces
are part of a coalition which does not adhere to internationally agreed
standards of warfare.

Here's my version of the utopian immigrant-free Britain that Blair and Howard would love us to inhabit... enjoy : )
Unite Against Fascism days of Action
Taking on the BNP in the Elections - Days of Action April 16th and 30th.conservative party/ tories/ tory party/ conservatives
Check out our latest Conservative website and help us get in by following the 'make your own conserative billboard' advice.We are not a bunch of self-interested in-bred racist fuckwits but he future of Britain.

no2id Cambridge: It's the fun game that everyone can play!

Roma Day march against racism

Bush and Blair, if the moon could talk, what would it say?
Investigative article that sheds new light on the confessions (plural) of Osama Bin Laden on video to 9/11 and supports the possibility that it was produced by western intelligence. It also vindicates those who coined the term "Synthetic Terrorism".Report of week of action against Iraq Pillage

The first days of April were designated a `Week of action against the corporate pillage of Iraq' by a group known as the Corporate Pirates [Website | Email ]. We report back on how that week of action has gone...
Alternatives to supermarkets in Cambridge: Local market voices

Yet another attempt at anti-traveller law, on the horizon