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Waugh foresaw Kaliningrad Kant
As the European Union prepares to enlarge, Herr Fischer's visit to an isolated Russian enclave is reminiscent of Scott-King's fictitious visit to Neustralia.Zoos - a case for and against.
ZOOS - TO MANY they are grotesque relics of the Victorian Age when great collectors paraded their trophies to a curious world without television or flight while to others they perform vital conservation work. Every week, new baby animals or born into captivity. Groups have called for the abolition of zoos for decades. Reporter Ted Jeory went to Colchester Zoo in Essex to put their arguments to its French owner.Kabul by Submarine
[Introduction by Tom Engelhardt: At this point, Afghanistan is certainly the forgotten war and the forgotten "nation-building" project. As Ahmed Rashid, superb reporter and author of the authoritative book Taliban, has written recently in the New York Review of Books, there's a reason why. Most of the country remains a failing non-state. Rashid recently went back to Afghanistan, essentially to retrace a trip he took in 1994-95 when he first covered the Taliban, a bizarre movement largely created by the Pakistani intelligence services and jihadis whose oppressive version of "Islam" bore little relation to anything Afghans had ever known.War Criminal comes to town

A look at the Bayer injunction
Take a look at the terms of the interim court order given to Bayer (if you dare)...Whitewash Labour Confrence - Protest @ Gt Yarmouth
Labour Party Confrence in Gt Yarmouth this weekend.Come 'meet' the Head of Whitewash reports, Blair and his many cronies.
Gt Yarmouth Marina Centre - 9am -> 4pm Sat 14th and Sun 15th.
Bayer Feb 11th high court ruling
Today, Bayer AG tried to make permanent a court order against six named individuals and five 'organisations' connected to campaigns against the company.The high court judge (who has a history of granting injunctions, for example responsible for a recent injunction preventing a tabloid news paper publish some poxy royal dirt story), will give his ruling on Friday 13th.
The interim injuntion, which was granted late last December, will remain effective until the ruling is given on friday.
The injuntion effectively makes previously lawful activities into criminal offences and it seems quite clear that the judge will rule in favor of bayer...
How Can We Resist Neo-Liberalism and War?
A 'Report Back from the World Social Forum in Mumbai:How Can We Resist Neo-Liberalism and War?' meeting is being hosted by Globalise Resistance, Britian's leading anti-capitalist group, in Cambridge on Wednesday 11th February at 7:00pm in the McCrum Lecture Theatre (Benet Street, next to
the Eagle Pub)
What Hutton really tells us
There are three things you need to know about all this WMD/Hutton/Iraqstuff.
Protest ouside warmonger's lecture
Why should this warmonger be given an honoured reception by Cambridge University?Come and remind him that he is not welcome here!
Making all trade Fair Trade - Simultaneous Policy forum
Event: The Diamond, Selwyn College, 7.30 pm Friday 13 FebruaryAs part of Cambridge University students’ One World Week, a group with links to the town is discussing how an international campaign could make all trade Fair Trade. The Simultaneous Policy campaign brings together people around the world to develop policies to tackle global problems, such as the unfair trading system.
One World Week Films
There won't be a Cambridge IndyMedia film screening this Sunday but you should be able to satisfy your hunger for excellent radical film viewing with some of the offerings from the One World Week people...Hoon contradicts his Hutton evidence and invites a host of questions
When Geoff Hoon was interviewed on Radio 4's Today programme on 5th February2004, he claimed that not only was the Prime Minister unaware before 18th
March 2004 of the precise nature of the 'WMD' claimed to be deployable
within 45 minutes, but also that he himself was unaware until after the
publication of the dossier in September 2004.
One World Week in Cambridge
One World Week will take place in February 2004 in and around Cambridge University...Its aims are to educate people about social, environmental and cultural issues through various mediums such as talks, theatre, events, film and debates...
Although it does have a serious message, to make people more aware of social inequality and environmental concerns, it is also designed to celebrate cultural diversity...
This event is incredibly important as it tackles worldwide issues of fundamental importance. We want to encourage people to think on a more global level, to think 'outside the square they live in'. Although this event is a university-based one and whilst we do want to tackle student apathy, in line with our broad outlook we want to make this event accessible to all in the Cambridge area, both 'town and gown'...
Wet Dreaming on Mars
A particularly under-represented group of people is those scientists who for years have been trying to explain to Nasa, for no pay mostly, why it has been dreaming about Mars having had rivers and oceans of liquid water and a wetter and warmer climate in the past. This is an original publication, and copyleft. Read on.Democratic Stop the War Coalition???
Looks like hackney STWC are trying to make the national organisation more open and democratic. I don't fancy their chances much, but good on them for trying! I wonder if Cambridge Stop the War 'Coalition' will be supporting this resolution (see below). I look forward to their consultation with all the Cambridge peace and anti-capitalist groups before the national conference on the 28th of Feb ;-)Peace Activist in Court over Bridge Protest.
A Cambridge peace activist pleaded not guilty to a publicorder offense today, 5 February 2004, at the Cambridge Magistrates
court. He was arrested on the 11th November 2003 after hanging a
banner displaying "Stop Bush" and informing commuters of the
President's visit from the top of the footpath bridge, next to the
Cambridge rail station, a week before Bush's visit to Britain. Despite
his protest being peaceful and polite he was finally charged with
"threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior or disorderly
behavior". In the next few weeks he will be putting up a defense based
on his freedom of expression and peaceful protest.