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Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza

Brazil, Amazonia, Forest Code: A million square KM* to devastation.

Cambridge Vigil Marks 400th UK Afghan War Casualty

Resisting Israeli Oppression Courageously
On March 8, women worldwide commemorate International Women's Day. It celebrates over a century of economic, political, and social achievements. This year for Palestinians, Hana Shalabi's hunger strike for justice is highlighted. After three weeks, it's taken a toll. Nonetheless, she's determined to resist Israel's lawless arrest, detention, torture, and degrading treatment. Since arrested on February 16, she's only ingested water. However, for the past five days, extreme nausea prevents her from drinking more than 1.5 liters daily. .......TV beagle prompts question: why is one dog a star, the other a product?

Jews Protest AIPAC

Can We All Agree Occupy Was A Tactic?
Occupy was a public relations tactic in the purest senseHomeowners: the gravediggers of capital
In the previous issue of SHIFT, we launched a series of articles discussing the relevancy of lifestyle choices for radical politics. In the first article from the latest issue (Issue 14) to go online , TOM FOX continues the series with a critical look at housing cooperatives, arguing that networks such as Radical Routes have all too often tended to miss what exactly it is - or what could be - that's radical about coops in general, and housing coops in particular.Global Intelligence Files

When Principles of Journalism are Betrayed
The articles looks at the various reports published about the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, and then tries to work out the reason behind reports which came out on the subject by anonymous officials. Taking into account that quoting un-named officials is a well known tactic often used by dictatorial regimes, the article tries to find out the reasoning behind the issue.Organized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. Occupy Wall St.
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.Viva The Greek Revolution!
It seems the only way out for the Greek people is open revolt.The Guardian newspaper funds Huxley’s ‘Children:Our Ultimate Investment'
The Guardian newspaper funds Huxley’s ‘Children: Our Ultimate Investment’. 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' includes 'Project Caressing' which instructs toddlers to be tactile with elderly men. Liability issues ended this in the US, but Laura Huxley's 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' is doing well in the UK.Democracy or Plutocracy?

When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt!
When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.Viva! Incredible Veggie Road Show in Cambridge
Viva! FREE Veggie Roadshow in CambridgeCuts to Bus Services Come to Cambridgeshire Today.

In fact, decisions made today in that building will change many peoples' lives forever, as there was a meeting by county councillors to decide which rural bus services are to have their funding cut.
Dale Farm: Second Eviction Threat
Following clearance from their own land
last October, families on the Dale Farm
estate have now been warned they could
face imprisonment for contempt of court
if they continue to live within the eviction
Lab Animal Trade Sinks as SeaFrance Liquidates