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<< Page 57 | Page 55>>Bayer´s Nexavar: FDA Embarks on Fast Track Cancer Drug Approval

EU fines likely for Bayer and Chemtura

Riot Bunny Subverts some Minors

Some More Photos From The Cambridge Demo Against NHS Cuts

Cambridge Demo Against Health Cuts

Earth First! Summer gathering 2006
The Earth First! Summer Gathering 2006 will take place from Wed 16th to Sun 20th August 2006. The location will be at a new site in Wales.Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments >>
Palestine Solidarity Action in Diss

Council questioned over arms investments

What's happening with Howard Mallet Centre?
Cafe Afrika closed down, Star FM moved out and Dawe Media Ltd took advantage of a break clause in their lease. So it is now empty apart from the groups using the gym. Ownership has now reverted to the County Council. The County Council have stated firm intentions to sign a 125 year lease to Citylife on 23rd of December. Citylife want to knock down the building and build a social enterprise incubator.Homes planned for Bayer site

Stansted Expansion announcement as climate activists face court
British Airways Authority (BAA) will today announce its plans for a second runway at Stansted Airport, despite the fact that air transport is the fastest growing cause of climate change. As the UN climate talks come to a close, three activists who last week attempted to disrupt a meeting of air industry executives will appear in court.KEEP THE NHS PUBLIC RALLY
Unison Cambridge Health campaign against NHS cutsSATURDAY 17th DECEMBER
1pm Market Square, Cambridge
GADJO DILO screening and discussion on traveller prejudice - report
About 50 people turned up to watch the film Gadjo Dilo and listen to speakers from the Roma Gypsy and Irish Traveller communities. The film and speakers were well received, and there was a good discussion about how to influence the anti-traveller editorial policy of the Cambridge Evening News.Cambridge Critical Mass Climate Demonstration

Muay Thai's take on the Howard Mallet Centre
Cormac O'Rourke (14yrs) - W.M.T.O. English ChampionShane LittleChild (10yrs) - W.M.T.O. and F.I.S.T. Midlands Area Champion
Max Whyte (24yrs, Trinity College) - English Amateur Muay Thai Team Member
Cambridge County Council Arms Investments

Just Living: an ethical guide to Cambrige
An ethical guide to Cambridge is under construction, and could use your help!Cambridge Critical 5
The Cambridge Critical Mass was a little short on bodies once again. Five people braved the weather met up at the usual spot.Cambridge Action Against Climate Change - Sat 3rd!
Cambridge Action Against Climate ChangeSaturday December 3rd, at noon, during the Winter Fair.