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Cambridge Old Schools Occupation now in Day Four.

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Against Cuts - Essex / East London
New collective organising resistance against the cuts and government oppression.Get involved.
Dogshocking Vivisector whose animal torture used by military to develop human to
Martin Seligman shocked dogs at the University of Pennsylvania. His workwas used to develop torture techniques at the CIA. He is the 2nd president of the
APA to have worked with the CIA in torture techniques for detainees.
Now he has been given a 31 million dollar contract by the US military.
Solidarity Picket and The Occupation Continues...

Tea & biscuits at the Cambridge Occupation

Latest from Cambridge occupation & solidarity

Occupation Pictures...

Inside the Cambridge University occupation

Tomorrow (Saturday 27 Nov) a solidarity demonstration is scheduled at 12 noon in solidarity with the occupation and against all cuts and fees -- meet at Great St Mary's.
Occupation at the University of Cambridge
This morning Old Schools, the nerve centre of the University of Cambridge, has been occupied in protest against fees and cuts.We have claimed this space to give students a voice in their University; everyone is welcome to join in or support the occupation in any way they can.
Don't be social be solid
Ok, the protests are over and the urge is to get online to check out the photos/videos, then upload your own and chat with your friends about the days events. However, please consider the following first...hundreds of students Occupy Senate House grounds in Cambridge.

This then, our penal system, constructed with one inherent major flaw.A dilemma unsuspected by most unless well versed in the law.
While serving the sentence and in prison cell pent,
Consider the incumbent’s situation – if truly innocent.
Are the United States and NATO losing the War in Afghanistan?>
In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.How to create your very own terrorist state

Gay marriage bid in Northampton
Gay marriage bid in NorthamptonNew attempt to end sexual orientation discrimination
‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships
Update from occupied Tory HQ
The occupation and blockade at Tory Parrty HQ at 30 Millbank continues after one and a half hours.Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments >>
Students occupy Tory HQ against university fees
Not content with taking over the streets, students take over Conservative Party HeadquartersProtest at Vodafone in Cambridge

Arrests at Cambridge Vodafone Shutdown

Cambridge Students Against Fees Demo