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BOBBY ROBERTS HEADS TO GOSFORTH (not if we can help it )
bobby roberts and his sick show has been attracting protests all over the placein whitburn bobby was demo'd loudley
in blaydon he was demo'd loudly and made the papers and tv
today bobby announces his next venue Gosforth race course
Demo Against Santander (Brighton branch) - Fri 20 May 4pm -6.30pm
Meet outside Santander on 38 Western Road (first one on the left as you walk from Churchill Sq towards Hove).Calling All Squatters! - Old and New

Bobby roberts protest blaydon
Over twenty five local activists and residents protested today against bobby robertsYoung and old came came to show there anger at this horrific show
A bunch of Atos-sers are occupied!

Despite there being many sucessful appeals against these decisions (currently a 40% success rate), this company is still being subcontracted by the government to carry out its nefarious deeds.
Their name is Atos, and they currently reside at 24 Hills Road, Cambridge, although they seem to be ashamed to admit it, as there are no signs outside for them, only two for "Jobcentre Plus", presumably the official smokescreen Atos are hiding behind.
Demo Against Santander (Brighton branch) - Fri 13 May 4pm -6.30pm
Meet outside Santander on 56 Western Road.Santander invests in cluster bombs.
Cluster bombs are brightly-coloured lethal bomblets which can be mistaken for toys by children. In Libya, Spanish versions have rained down on unarmed residents of Misrata.
Cambridge Atos offices occupied

Glos Eco-village camping trip, mark 2!

After one seriously wet night, followed by one lovely sunny morning, followed by another night of rain- it has been decided, NOT to move the next camping trip one week forward- to this coming weekend (as previously stated) but two weeks forward. The MET - after failing us over the weekend - promises the weather will be more hospitable then.
Glos Eco-village Camping trip!

70% of courses cut- London Metropolitan University Occupied
The Graduate Centre of Holloway Road Campus is currently occupied by students in protest against Vice- Chancellor Malcolm Gillies’ decision to axe 70% of courses- including Performing Arts, Philosophy and History. Gillies’ decision came as a shock a couple of weeks ago.Hundreds march through Cambridge against cuts.

Cambridge Uncut stages two successful actions.

Nobel Peace Winner: Obama ......

Week of Action Against Atos: Call for Solidarity
Disability activists and benefit claimant's groups are calling for protests and actions around the country targetting Atos Origin in the week beginning on 9th May.Previous days of action against benefit cuts have seen protests, pickets and occupations of Atos Origin across the UK including London, Leeds, Glasgow, Bristol, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Dundee and many more.
Anti-nuclear camp / Chernobyl 25th anniversary at Sizewell - pics

More images here:

All images Copyright (c) 2011 Stop Nuclear Power Network. They may be reproduced free of charge if credited to Stop Nuclear Power Network. For high resolution versions, please e-mail.
Mayor rides to Reach Fair
The Mayor of Cambridge will cycle the 12 miles from the Guildhall Cambridge to the village of Reach to open the historic 800 year old fair. She'll be riding with an expected 500 other riders who will set off from 9:30am on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May. It is the first time a mayor has done the journey on a bike to open the fair.Anti-nuclear campaigners set for weekend of seaside action

The annual beach camp beside the nuclear power station in Suffolk, England, now into its third year, will have added significance this year due to the unfolding disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan, and because it marks 25 years since the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in the Ukraine. (2)
World Day for Animals in Laboratories 2011