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25-06-2011 12:12

Hillary Clinton gives green light for Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla ... In comments yesterday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed to lay the ground – indeed almost provide a green light – for an Israeli military attack on the upcoming Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which will include the US Boat to Gaza. Among the passengers aboard the American boat will be 87-year old Kindertransport survivor Hedy Epstein, and author and poet Alice Walker. In all it is expected that about 10 ships, carrying 1000 people from over 20 countries will take part.
22-06-2011 20:43

"Just a day after admitting killing 9 civilians in an airstrike, NATO has been accused by the Libyan authorities of causing at least another 15 deaths.
"NATO confirmed they had carried out another bombing, but has not responded to the allegations of civilian casualties.
"An RT crew in Tripoli has shot some shocking footage of bodies mutilated in NATO bombings."
M O R E: ... ...
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19-06-2011 22:49

NATO Incorporates Libyan Experience For Global War Template ........ As the West’s war against Libya has entered its fourth month and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has flown more than 11,000 missions, including 4,300 strike sorties, over the small nation, the world’s only military bloc is already integrating lessons learned from the conflict into its international model of military intervention based on earlier wars in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. What NATO refers to as Operation Unified Protector has provided the Alliance the framework in which to continue recruiting Partnership for Peace adjuncts like Sweden and Malta, Istanbul Cooperation Initiative affiliates Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates and Mediterranean Dialogue partnership members Jordan and Morocco into the bloc’s worldwide warfighting network. ......... Italo-Turkish War of 1911-1912 ...........
19-06-2011 09:43
*Norwich, noon, 23rd July 2011.*
British trials of genetically modified blight resistant spuds have been failing for the last ten years. But a conventionally bred variety of blight resistant potatoes has been available for 3 years. So why are we
still paying for their dangerous experiment?
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17-06-2011 21:42

There was an unexpected new paintjob applied last night to Henry Giles House, the Cambridge Jobcentre on Chesterton Lane.
Persons unknown had sprayed "Fuck work B4 it fucks U" right across the front of the building"!
15-06-2011 13:14

German Foreign Minister Violates Libya's Sovereignty, Visits Benghazi Terrorists .... African revolutionary leader: Germany now open for Africans without visas ....... German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrived in the city of Benghazi in Eastern Libya which has been held to ransom by Islamist rebels fighting against the Libyan government, in violation of Libya's sovereignty. Westerwelle did not seek permission from the Libyan government nor obtain any visa for his visit.
14-06-2011 18:45
Netherlands... expected to ban slaughter without anesthesia or stunning
Korean activists protest fur show
S Africa village stones monkey to death
14-06-2011 02:42
The so-called Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, currently under discussion in the House of Lords, is already under scrutiny for various suspected threats to civil liberties, most notoriously clamp-downs on rights of public assembly and protest in response to the actions at Parliament Square. But let's not overlook the section that would actually REMOVE the need for experts of any kind to advise the government about drugs policy!
04-06-2011 22:01

BREAKING NEWS: Western Libya Portrait is not What is being Painted by Mainstream Media ...... Western media reports continue to indicate that Libyan rebels trying to oust Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi from power, backed by daily NATO air strikes, are gaining ground in western Libya. During a six-hour drive from the Tunisian border to Tripoli, the Libyan capital, this reporter saw no signs of Libyan rebel successes in western Libya. In fact, I witnessed a spontaneous pro-Qaddafi demonstration on the main Tunisia-Tripoli highway in a town about one and a half hours west of Tripoli. The green flag of the Libyan Arab Jamahiryah not only adorn flag poles in towns from Tripoli to the Tunisian border, but a number of private residences are flying the green flag from their rooftops, on flag poles, and even from outside of top floor windows in medium size and small towns alike along the main highway. ... Visit for more information from Wayne Madsen on Libya and other important issues .......
04-06-2011 03:44
Recently the World Health Organization has blamed ecoli on vegetables, in an attempt to shield the animal flesh industry.
29-05-2011 21:34

On the afternoon of Saturday, 28th May 2011, as part of a national day of action around 40 activists from Cambridge UkUncut donned surgical costumes and occupied several banks around Cambridge in protest against the government’s austerity cuts to the NHS as well as highlighting the figures that had been spent bailing out the banks.
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29-05-2011 16:13
30th June 2011 may well turn out to be the most important step forward in a mass fight against public sector cuts. Hundreds of thousands of workers could be involved in strike action, from as many as four or five different unions including NUT, PCS, UCU and ATL.
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26-05-2011 22:49

On Wednesday afternoon (25-05-2011) for the second time this month, a small but significant crowd of activists converged upon the Hills Road offices of Jobcentre Plus subcontractor Atos, to protest against the brutally arbitrary way they assess sick and disabled people, considering most of their 'clients' to be 'fit for work', even if they're not.
All part of David Cameron's beautiful vision for a fairer and more just 'Big Society', involving asset stripping everything in the public sector, including the Welfare State.
26-05-2011 20:23

Hear this call on behalf of millions of Libyans now facing a new stage in the increasingly indiscriminate bombing of NATO that is now targeting civilian infrastructure with exponentially increasing civilian casualties. He only asks you to do a few simple things. Get organized! .........
26-05-2011 13:53

On the 15th April 2011, during the day, sub-munitions of a MAT-120 cluster bomb were shown to Human Rights Watch (HRW) and C.J. Chivers, a journalist for the New York Times, in Misrata. On that evening, during ongoing clashes between rebel and loyalist forces, Human Rights Watch workers witnessed 3 or 4 cluster munitions landing in residential areas of Misrata. HRW attest to further subsequent such bombings. Civilians were killed in these attacks and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, condemned: .........
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25-05-2011 14:18
Claim posted on 325 website from attack on banks on Cherry Hinton Rd, Cambridge....
25-05-2011 11:03

Yesterday evening (Tuesday 24-05-2011), several dozen protestors descended upon the Cambridge University Debating Union building in response to the society booking Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. An ironic job title if ever there was one, as this man has presided over some of the most brutal cuts to our public services that we've witnessed for a generation.
This is the same man who in 2009 went on the record as claiming expenses for his parent's home, which is just eight miles from his own (!
20-05-2011 17:14

Africa: Battleground For NATO's 21st Century Strategic Concept ......... NATO the military arm of world fascism -- leading NATO analyst Rick Rozoff takes a look at some of its plans ... The war by major North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states against Libya is in its third month and has been conducted under the official auspices of NATO for the past fifty days. According to the military bloc’s daily online tally [1], Alliance military aircraft have flown over 7,200 missions and more than 2,800 combat flights since NATO inaugurated so-called Operation Unified Protector on March 31.