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Banks sabotaged in Cambridge

anarchist | 25.05.2011 14:18 | Social Struggles | Cambridge

Claim posted on 325 website from attack on banks on Cherry Hinton Rd, Cambridge....

From :

23 May 2011

“In the early hours of Monday, 23rd May, we sabotaged two banks in Cambridge (UK) in defiance of capital and the state. The Lloyds TSB and Barclays banks on Cherry Hinton Road had their locks glued, windows spraypainted and cashpoints trashed (using glue and spraypaint). Anonymous, easily reproducible acts of attack against the system have the potential to generalise into greater and greater disruption of the false peace of this society’s ‘normality’. Rebellious greetings to those who struggle against this global system of domination! x”

Autonomous anonymous

