Cambridge Newswire Archive
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ANTI-CAPITALIST ACTION target *$$$ in Cambridge
Article from "Varsity", one of Cambridge University's student newspapers.Covers the recent activity of a new direct action umbrella group within the university, called ANTI-CAPITALIST ACTION.
"StarBucks in their eyes"
Text of a leaflet about Starbucks, the coffee business and capitalism. We'll be giving out a shorter version with free fair trade coffee in Cambridge Town Centre next week.Global Capitalism --> Global Poverty?
I'm a student at Cambridge University. We've got a building that houses a big debating society thing. It's kind of posh but it's got some interesting debates.We had this debate entitled "This House Believes that Free Market Capitalism is Responsible for Continuing Global Poverty". The motion won by 91 votes to 61 ( + abstentions).
EXPORT CONTROL BILL targets software, encryption etc
Cambridge cryptomancer ROSS ANDERSON continues to be citizen-most-likely-to-be-classed-a-munition, as he blows the (and his) lid off a classy new bit of UK legislation.- Frontline tech report from NTK

Possible Squatted Nightshelter in Cambridge
This year the government has managed to find less homeless people sleeping on the streets on the night of their 'streetcounts' than in previous years.Itchy Afghani hats
Afghani hats for sale - they might be itchy, but they show solidarityCamPeace Demo in Cambridge

Rupert Murdoch joins RTS
Thinking Global; Acting Global: the challenges to the UK tv industryRupert Murdoch is in town to talk about his global media empir in Kings College, Cambridge at the Royal Television Soceity (RTS)
media protest-murdoch in the UK
TIME TO TARGET THE MEDIA!Enough is enough, the media is sick. Murdoch has much to do with it internationally,
SEPT 13-15
'thinking global, acting global' convention
Man jailed for attack on animal lab boss
Man jailed for attack on animal lab bossMuppet academic in the hands of arms of arms manufacturers

Close Oakington Refugee Detention Centre - Demonstration and Rally
**********************************************************************Close Oakington Refugee Detention Centre - Demonstration and Rally *
* Saturday March 10th *
* Assemble at 12:30pm, Parker's Piece *
* Cambridge City Centre *
A demonstration to mark one year of imprisoning innocent victims atOakington Refugee Detention Centre, organised by Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention.
genetically modified wheat was completely destroyed
genetically modified wheat was completely destroyedFive cars burnt outside HLS workers' homes
More burnings of cars belonging to workers at animal experimentation lab Huntingdon Life SciencesVoices of solidarity at Oakington (plus photograph)