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Five hundred flash at heathrow
[London,Sat 17] Midday today, five hundred people flashmobed Heathrows Terminal 5 in protest at the governments decision to give the go-ahead on building a third runway and yet another terminal. Among the mob were four naked women, lots of red 'no expansion' t-shirts, umbrellas and Heathrows largest conga dance. It was all finishedwithin an hour.
Protest for Gaza on Saturday 17/01
Is there a protest at market square(Cambridge) for the massacre that takes place in Gaza?SHAC ACTION ALERT: New Supplier Promega Exposed
SHAC have caught Promega making money out of the suffering that happens inside
HLS. Let them know that their dealings with such a disgusting company are
completely unacceptable.
National Anti-Vivisection Days of Action next week
In solidarity with SHAC campaigners in court for sentencing, starting on Mon 19th Jan. Also in solidarity with Mel Broughton of the SPEAK Campaign, whose re-trial starts on Tuesday. In solidarity with ALL animal rights prisoners of conscience, TAKE ACTION next week!Gaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 4

Gaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 2

Gaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 1

It took this long to get these pictures to the Newswire simply because I shot so many (644 images), so it's taken quite some time to sift through them all and pick out the good stuff.
I'll be publishing them in several parts, as there is a lot of pictures to work through. They will also be in the order they were taken in each installment, so hopefully some kind of visual narrative will emerge as a result.
SHAC ACTION ALERT: Northern Trust Support Animal Cruelty
Over the last few alerts you have been contacting shareholders in HuntingdonLife Sciences. This next one deals with Northern Trust who have 64,181 shares
in LSR (the name HLS trade under). Although this company hold a smaller number
than those in previous alerts, they are still really important, even if you own
one share in HLS you will be put in the spotlight, so please take a few minutes
to contact them.
A letter to a cousin
Having just finished seven years as an undergraduate and PhD degree at Oxford University, where I was conspicuously in the minority, ethnically, I felt the urge to share the groundings for my motivation and attitude which has helped me along the way to my academic success.A flying start to the new year for anti-aviation campaigners
Campaigners against aviation expansion are having a hectic start to the new year. Half of those arrested for blockading Stansted airport last year have now been sentenced and all are under threat of being sued for damages. Meanwhile, airport operator BAA have managed to get the Plane Stupid website taken down and are preparing for the Climate Rush action on monday the 12th by threatening MPs who have said they will attend the events at Heathrow and Manchester airport. To cap it all, the government is set to announce the go-ahead for Heathrows runway three this coming week.Full Story | 2 additions | 6 comments >>
SHAC ACTION ALERT : No Let Up For Animal Abusers
This alert focuses on a HLS shareholder, Vanguard Group. This company holdnearly one hundred thousands blood stained shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences,
who trade under the name, LSR (Life Science Research).
Gaza Protest #2 Norwich
Vigil/protest, Norwich, outsdie the Forum, Saturday 10th Jan 2009, 12 noonPalestine discusssion at Friends Meeting house (06-01-2009).

Another greyhound fatally injured at Peterborough

Cambridge shows solidarity with Palestine.

Saturday 3rd Jan Gaza Demo from EMBANKMENT 12.30!NOT 2pmParliament sq,kid shoes
Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross heading to Trafalgar Sq, assembly at Parliament sq advertised in previous posts cancelled due to police pressure
Bring kids shoes & flowers, black would be appropriate but police may get wrong impression

SHAC Case’s Impact on the Environmental Movement
The seemingly unrelated animal rights case’s impact on eco activists!SHAC Leaflets Fresh out the printers