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We seize servers, you can't complain - US gov
The US Government is attempting to block efforts to find out who seized Indymedia's servers in London last month. The Government has filed a motion in San Antonio District Court opposing the Electronic Frontier Foundation's motion to unseal the court order which resulted in the seizures, and arguing among other things that unsealing would "seriously jeopardize" an "ongoing criminal terrorism investigation".Yasser Arafat vigil in Cambridge
Yasser Arafat vigil tomorrow in CambridgeCamPeace Vigil Saturday 13 November
Campeace will be holding a vigil between 12 noon and 2pm outside the Guildhall on Saturday 13th to protest the assault on Fallujah and to draw the attention of the public to this war crime.VANUNU RE-ARRESTED IN ISRAEL
MORDECHAI Vanunu, who was freed in April after 18 years in an Israeli prison for revealing the country's nuclear program, was re-arrested here today, police said.Vanunu is suspected of having communicated "secret information to foreigners" and of having violated the restrictions imposed on him by Israeli security services after his release from prison, police said.
The former Israeli nuclear technician was taken into custody at a Jerusalem hotel, where police seized documents found in his room, they said.
more soon.
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Iraq
A report for Parliament on the British Government's response to the US supply of biological materials to Iraq.Fallujah Protestors Block Piccadilly Circus

Fallujah leaflet

Palestinian Crafts from Beit Sahour in Cambridge Market
Advance notification of Palestinian crafts in Cambridge Market 21/11 - 4/12Bad News From Israel: a talk about the way the media shapes public perceptions
A talk by Tim Llewellyn and Greg Philo about the way our political understanding is shaped by the mediaThe Government's misleading response to the Lancet Iraq Mortality Survey
The Government's response to the Iraq Mortality Survey published last week in leading public health journal The Lancet (estimating that around 100,000 excess deaths may have been caused by the invasion of Iraq) is deeply inaccurate and misleading. Amongst other things it constitutes an opportunistic political attack on academic standards.Pictures of Cambridge protest against the destruction of Fallujah

They came down after an hour and the police let them go.
Cambridge residents take to roof of Guildhall to protest Fallujah attack
Cambridge residents have climbed fifty feet up on the roof of theGuildhall, in Market Square, Cambridge, and are currently hanging a giant
banner reading 'Fallujah: Stop the Massacre', as part of a larger protest currently taking place in Cambridge's Market Square.
Fallujah Graffiti in Cambridge

Rush-hour protest in Cambridge against Fallujah massacre

Fallujah Protest in Market Square Cambridge
The long announced all out attack on Fallujah is now imminent.Campeace are asking all supporters to gather outside the Guildhall from 12 noon TODAY (Monday the 8th of November) to protest this appalling war crime.