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Bad News From Israel: a talk about the way the media shapes public perceptions

Janet Walker | 08.11.2004 22:09 | Analysis | Culture | Cambridge | London

A talk by Tim Llewellyn and Greg Philo about the way our political understanding is shaped by the media

"Bad News from Israel - Media Coverage of the Israel-Palestine Conflict"

This is a talk by Tim Llewellyn and Greg Philo. Tim Llewellyn was BBC Middle East Correspondent from the 1970s to the early 90s. He is now a consultant and freelance journalist. He is Executive Board member of the Council for Arab-British Understanding and a Trustee of the Arab British Council. He recently contributed to Tell Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq, published by Pluto Press.

Greg Philo is an authority on the role of the media in shaping public perceptions, Greg Philo is Professor of Communications at Glasgow University and Research Director of the Glasgow University Media Group. He has written, co-written and edited many books including Seeing and Believing: the Influence of Television (1990) and, most recently, Bad News From Israel (Pluto Press 2004).

Wednesday 17th November
7.30 pm, McCrum Lecture Theatre,
Bene’t St, Cambridge (behind Eagle pub)

Tickets on the door: £3 (£1 unwaged)

Talk sponsored by Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Cambridge University Palestinian Society

Janet Walker
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