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Cambridge Anti-War Demonstrators Arrested at RAF Mildenhall!
This is a preliminary report.Direct action against war at RAF base
ANTI-WAR protesters were arrested on Sunday after breaking into the U.S. Airbase at Mildenhall.Letter to Anne Campbell (Cambridge MP)
Get writing letters to your MP people. If we want to stop this war, we have to let our leaders aware of our displeasure. Here is a letter I wrote, feel free to copy all or part and send to your own MP.Cambridge Tour of Shame

CamSAW Press Release:
Over 10 Cambridge protesters were arrested today at the peaceful anti-war demonstration outside Whitehall. Unprecedentedly, Cambridge students madeup a third of all arrests made at the event.
Nick Griffin to speak in Cambridge
Disgust at planned debate between Lib Dem member and Nick Griffin.Cambridge Weapons Inspections video

anti-McMurder Cambridge!

Cambridge: Police threaten arrest to the Number 0 activist
Police threaten arrest to the Number 0 activist in Cambridge. The activist are just asking to get their stuff from the evicted squat when the owner gets really pissed off and call the pigs... The activist are now trying to get their stuff but the pigs seem to be determined to arrest them.. updates will followUSAF Lakenheath weapons inspection Dec 5
Fresh from last week's occupation of a university weapons laboratory, Cambridge Students Against War (CamSAW) is planning another action, this time scheduled for 5 December 2002: an inspection of the U.S. Air Force base at Lakenheath, only 70 miles from London. It is believed that the base contains about 30 tactical nuclear weapons, and possibly other Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, has refused to rule out the use of such weapons in the projected attack on Iraq.Cambridge Firefighter Solidarity!


Reclaim remembrance day from the hypocrites!RECLAIM REMEMBRANCE!
Reclaim remembrance day from the hypocrites!Cambridge Occupied Press Statement 01
Cambridge University occupied by several hundred strong anti-war protestorsCambridge Actions for O31
CamSaw: 230 students occupy. thousands wear armbands, Market Sq ringed, dead bodies outside St Mary's and banner off Fitzwilliam Museum.NEW OCCUPIED SOCIAL CENTRE IN CAMBRIDGE!