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GM protester court news
Two protesters were in court this morning having been arrested on Sunday during protests at the site of the UK's only GM trial - potatoes.GM Potato Protesters in Court in Cambridge
Two people were arrested yesterday at the GM Potato Protest in between Histon and Girton. They will be appearing at Cambridge Magistrates Court, which is now at 43 Hauxton Road, Trumpington, at 9:30 tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd July) morning.Cambridge GM potato field picnic

Arrested! anti-GM protest pics

Peace camp in parliament square
Last week-end I toddled up to London to participate in a peace camp in Parliament Square. The camp lasted from noon Saturday until noon Thursday, straddling the death throes of the Blair administration and the early wailings of the Brown era (“The King is dead! Long live the… errrm. No, actually, down with the next king too!”)Peaceful Anti-Foie Gras Protester Assaulted at ‘French Products’ stall
Anti-Foie Gras protesters at the ‘French Products’ stall in Cambridge, receive a response that’s more than a little hostile…Full Story | 1 addition | 10 comments >>
Victory: Reed-Elsevier gives in
The Morning Star published a version of this article a couple of weeks ago. It describes the successful campaign against publishing house Reed-Elsevier's involvement in the arms trade.Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo (pt 3).

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More pictures from StWC Palestine March (pt 2).

Satire as Protest

‘French Products’ stall anti-Foie-Gras leafleting in Cambridge
Campaigners at ‘French Products’ in Cambridge again!“Free Education for All” remains a pipedream under the policies of the ‘New ANC’
This article argues that by adopting neo-liberal policies, like Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ Party the ‘New ANC’ has also sold out. And because of anti poor policies, on the 31st anniversary of the June 1976 ‘Soweto Uprising’, for poor working class kids, “The Doors of Learning” remain as shut as during apartheid.GM Victory! Hull down! One more pota't'go!
Following extensive local and national resistance, BASF (the company trialing the GM potatoes), announced last month that they would not be conducting a GM potato trial in Yorkshire this year!Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo.

These images shot on good old fashioned film (hence the lateness) - digital pictures to follow soon.
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Cambridge Students Act to Break the Chains of Modern Slavery in the UK
Great St Mary’s to be wrapped in a huge paper chain petition: Mon 18th June in protest against people trafficking and slavery in the UK.Cycle Cinema Public Meetng & Call-out