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<< Page 107 | Page 105>>Medieval Tortures In Modern Greece

Gaza children’s images of war censored

Photos from Dale Farm March, Sat 10 Sep. [Set 1]

Dale Farm Demo - March from Wickford Station Sat 10 Sep.

Worldwide Animals Pitchforked, Boiled Alive, Bombed, Trapped, Starved, Abandoned
Please see the video links at the end of the post
for documentation
Commute the death sentence of Santhan, Murugan and Perariva

Slaughterhouse Jobs: Human and Animal Rights Issues
Illegal immirgrants hired to the most dangerous occupation in the world.Terrified animals kick, peck workers. Workers killed or maimed by chain saws, knives, hooks. Ear dynsfunction from the constant shrieks of animals fighting for their lives.
Drone Protest Camp established today at RAF Waddington
The Drone Protest Camp at RAF Waddington near Lincoln has been successfully established today, exactly 30 years after Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was set up to protest Cruise Missiles.Visitors and campers welcome.
NATO-Rebels: Carnage And Abuses

Ethnic cleansing and genocide of indigenous tribes continuing apace
While the Brazil government makes as if it is protecting the human rights indigenous peoples of the Amazon, for loggers and mining companies it's business as usual.LIBYA: NATO massacre at Sirte

NATO's Libya War: A Nuremberg Level Crime
The US/UK/French-led war on Libya will be remembered as one of history's greatest crimes. It violates the letter and spirit of international law and America's Constitution. The Nuremberg Tribunal's Chief Justice Robert Jackson (a US Supreme Court Justice) called Nazi war crimes "the supreme international crime against peace." His November 21, 1945 opening remarks said: "The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated."Ground the Drones: Join the Waddington Peace Camp
Join us at the new peace camp at RAF Waddington near Lincoln, LN5 9NB from September 3, (anniversary of the start of World War 2)Take banners, whistles. Be visible, vocal. Make our opposition loud and clear.
From 3 Sep: Camp at RAF Waddington, Lincs, to protest UK Drones

ATOS Healthcare Vs The Whole Internet

Corporate Megadeath machine ATOS Healthcare are involved in the covert silencing of literally hundreds of its sick and disabled online critics. Over the last week numerous websites and internet discussion forums have closed after Atos's head of legal services, solicitor James T J Loughrey [1], contacted ISPs to demand the closures.
News from Colchester

ATOS Worker - Sick are "Parasitical Wankers" - Update and Dox

Ian Hislop In Bed With MI5 and A Super-Injunction
Ian Hislop has criticized Julian Assange because he claims to be concerned about Assange's alleged treatment of women and his possible connection with an anti Semite. When confronted with evidence of anti-woman, anti Jew hate material published by MI5 agent provocateur, David Myatt, Hislop put a 'super-injunction' on the truth and refused to publish. Hislop wouldn't even publish a letter which mentioned Myatt's name.Full Story | 1 addition | 4 comments >>
ATOS Worker - Sick are "Parasitical Wankers"