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Bumper issue of Cambridge NewsWire on paper

Anti-GM campaigners in court today!
Eight anti-GM protestors are in court today (Tues 28th Sept). We will be appearing before Harlow magaistrates court in Essex. The charges we face result from our non-violent blockade of Sainsbury's giant Waltham Point distribution centre on the M25 Essex / London borders.
Training for Action
in the run up to the G8, the first in a series of trainings on how to train people, group-work, direct action skills, legal...Ipswich pensioner defies courts & unfair council tax.Tax the Rich! Not the Poor!
Richard Cater walked out of Ipswich magistrate’s court in defiance last week and is refusing to pay the unjust council tax. Richard, who is an 87-year-old veteran of the Dunkirk battle in WWII said: "There are some very hard-up people who can't afford these amounts and if someone doesn't do something, it will get worse and worse. - I'm quite prepared to go to prison. I will not back down because I feel I am in the right."
Camboaters become official
Live-aboard boat-owners on the river Cam are celebrating their new status as an official association.Atkins: "BAYER Corp. benefits from risky diet"
The Atkins diet, which allows unlimited consumption of protein and fat but drastically limits carbohydrates and does not restrict calories, has attracted millions of followers in the past few years. In the US 44 million people are either on a low-carb diet or watching their carb intake. As low-carb followers may lack vitamins and minerals, about 5 million Americans are taking supplements - a potentially giant market for food and pharmaceutical companies.Cambridge Forum on Kurdish Human Rights
This Tuesday, September 21st, we have Kerim Yildiz of the Kurdish HumanRights Project coming up from London to talk to Cambridge Forum. The meetings are held
at CB1 café, 32, Mill Rd, just down from Parker's Piece and the swimming
pool, on the right, by the bus stop. Entrance to Cambridge Forum is free.
The meetings are non-smoking and run from 8pm to10pm.
Building Bridges Radio - Whats The Matter With Kansas Meet Billionaires for Bush
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 59 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOWCambridgeshire FOR Windfarms

Tony Blair was warned by Jack Straw there could be post-war problems in Iraq.
The Prime Minister knew the US President was determined to complete what one senior British official had already described as the unfinished business from his father's war against Saddam Hussein.NEWS ABOUT OAKINGTON ~ SEPTEMBER 2004
* Raising questions about the use of Oakington Barracks as a detention centre* Campaigning for safeguards

Cambridge Immigration and Asylum Films & Forum

The Walks Carnival stand has queues out of the door
Visitors were queueing out of the tent to see the multi-colour versionof the trees plan at the Walks Action Group's stall in King's Lynn's
Charter Carnival on Sunday 12 September.
University and Police bust Party

UK army garrison town residents stage 9/11 protest for peace and global justice.

Colchester social centre evicted
Social centre evicted in colchesterSept 11th Vigil for Peace and Global Justice
Residents of the army garrison town of Colchester, Essex will be mounting a Vigil for Peace and Global Justice on Sat Sept 11th.