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Coalition Provisional Authority appoints new army chiefs
A follow-up to the Indymedia article about the possible American appointment of former Ba'athist generals after certain divisions of the new Iraqi Army refused to fight in Fallujah.Towards a Social Forum for the Eastern Region
Social forums are spreading throughout the world, from the global gatherings of the WSF in Brazil and India, to the Europe wide gatherings of the ESF, to local and regional gatherings.These involve a diverse array of movements, including campaigns for peace, the
environment, social equality and global justice, plus many more.
Pressure grows on RESPECT to come clean on abortion
Pressure is growing on RESPECT -in particular George Galloway- to make a firm stance on the issue of abortion.GATS Meeting in Cambridge

A new global democracy takes off in Cambridge
A pledge form signed by a Cambridge-based LibDem candidate in the forthcoming European election, Rosalind Gill, is claimed by campaigners to be the first crack in a political system which has failed the people and turned the majority away from voting.Protest against BNP parade and 'fun day' in Essex, Sat 24th April.
Stop the BNP! Anti-Fascists are gathering at 11am, Wickford Railway Station, near Basildon, South Essex. Sat 24th April. 20 minute drive from the M25, eastbound along the A127 towards Southend.Cambridge Mayday...and more!

Unite Against Fascism

Tuesday April 20th, 7:30, Keynes Hall, Kings College.
Talk: Iraq: one year on
Talk by Dr Glen Rangwala, 8pm, Tuesday 20 AprilLeckhampton House, Grange Road, Cambridge
aldermaston wmd hunt
On monday the march from London to Aldermaston reached the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston, having been joined by a youth march from Oxford. A few hundred of us were waiting for them. We believed we had found a site containing those elusive WMD. But the local authorities were not co-operating.Cambridge Paper Newswire, Special: Iraq

Fraud Alert : Open Letter to Cambridge University
Fraud Alert : Open Letter to Cambridge UniversityCambridge Social Forum (type thing)???
It's been suggested that we might like to get the ball rolling to form some kind of group in cambridge to do political stuff in a non-partypolitical, non-hierarchical way. Some have talked of a Cambridge Social Forum, others of being a part of the Dissent! Network which is coming together to oganise against the G8 meeting in the UK in summer 2005...many options are open. The important thing being, getting some political stuff happening outside the normal party focused or single issue pressure group styles.Cowboy-booted bailiff slips and hurts his fat head during eviction.
Cowboy-booted bailiff slips and hurts his fat head during eviction of Cannon Wharf, Norwich.Eyewitness accounts from Iraq
This is an urgent information and appeal from Ewa Jasiewicz, who worked with Voices in the Wilderness and Occupation Watch in Iraq, lived there for 8 months (Basra and Baghdad) and in Palestine, mainly Jenin camp for 6 months, speaks Arabic, and who got back from Iraq 2 months ago. She is in regular contact with her friends in Basra and Baghdad.In Falluja - Jo Wilding Iraq diaries 11 April
Jo wilding - journalist, lawyer and circus clown reports from the hospitals ofFalluja
After seven years Cambridge postman still waiting for asylum
Seven years ago today (13th April) Cambridge postal worker Boris Lidovskiarrived in the UK from Russia but he is still waiting for the Home Office to
sort out his application to stay in the country. He has received massive support
locally and nationally and the Boris Lidovski campaign is determined to keep
campaigning on his behalf.
Dissent! Resistance Against the G8: Gathering in Manchester
A Network of Resistance Against the G8: The G8 (Group of Eight most industrialised nations) Summit is coming to Britain in the Summer of 2005. In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that hopes to resist the Summit, and build a lasting movement against capitalism.The next Dissent! gathering will take place on the 24th/25th April in Manchester. Come
along and get involved.
To the peoples of the world - Fom Occupied Iraq