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Film Showing Sunday June 10 - Camp for Climate Action 2006

NO2ID Public Meeting
NO2ID Cambridge is holding a public meeting tomorrow (Friday June 8th):Earth First! summer gathering - 18-22 July - flyer downloadable/website updated

* Are you fed up with bare-faced lies from politicians, big business and the media?
* Have you had enough of a world where corporate profit comes before life and dignity?
* Do you want to see an end to mindless consumption>
* Then this Gathering is for you! Read on...
Compact G8 Info for the UK

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Norwich Rising Tide - First Action

Claimants Support Job Centre Strikers
Claimants in Norwich joined the picket line at the Job Centre in support of the demand made by striking PCS union members.Climate Camp meetup
Hey all. There will be a meeting on Sat May 5 at 7pm for anyone in Cambridge and East Anglia generally who is interested in going to the Camp for Climate Action on August 14-21, 2007. People who were at last year's camp will talk about what it was like, and we will have a chance to get to know each-other and talk about going as a group to the climate camp.Hull, rally and protest against GM trials, 21st April 2007

Statement from and campaigners against Hull’s GM potato trials
On Saturday, over 250 people from around the country attended a rally in Hull in a powerful and vibrant display of resistance to the reintroduction of GM crops to the UK.Mutatoes Rally - GM Spuds-U-Hate

Photos of GM trials site [cambridge]

Public Funds Wasted Busting Party in Granchester Meadows.

Non GM Potatoes planted at Hedon test site
Protesters are planting non-GM potatoes in the field near Hull where BASF intend to trial their GM potato variety. About 100 protesters are spread across the large (several acre) field, with two mounted police and 2 foot police standing by watching - not even filming, for once.Update: 2 cops on off road motorcycles have entered the field.
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Aerial view of GM trial site and surroundings

Cambridge GM Crop Trial Location Published
Defra have published the 6 figure grid reference for the GM Potato trial site near Cambridge.It is: TL430627
More piccies of Cambridge GM Potatoes protest

Support Blood Service workers! - IWW leaflet
Here's the link for a leaflet from the IWW in support of NBS staff in dispute with management over service cuts + 600 looming job losses.Rally against Frankenspuds, Hull, 21st April