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Cambridge Coach to Ipswich Reclaim the Night

BNP member arrested in Ipswich on suspicion of murder
BNP member Steve Wright is identified as second person arrested in Suffolk of killing of five sex workers. The 48 year old fash was arrested in a dawn raid on his home in Ipswich's red light district, where he regularly took in prostitutes while his wife was at work.Faslane action
Wednesday morning, 7:30am. A dark road somewhere North of Glasgow. Scottish cold and rain beating in my face. I'm chained via a bike lock to Irene, veteran of the Faslane struggle. One arm disappears into a tube, at the other end of which is my mate Steve. There are seven of us, five women and two men, standing in a line stretched across the road.Cop held on prostitute killings
It has now been confirmed that the man arrested over the Suffolk serial murders is a former policeman. Not only that, Police had previously searched his house and garden last month and he was accused with other sex crimes but the police choose not to continue their investigation. Romours are that Stephens is a member of the Free Maisons and pulled in favors from friends in the force to put a halt on possible prosecution.Cambridge March for Consumerism
On Saturday December 16 a group of people in Cambridge held a March for Consumerism. They set off outside the Grafton Centre shopping mall carrying placards with slogans such as "Spend", "Buy more stuff", and "Climate change is someone else's problem".RECLAIM THE NIGHT IPSWICH - 29th December
After the bodies of 5 sex workers have been found murdered within 10 days of each other and the police advising women to stay at home concerned citizens of Ipswich call you to:-Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>
Alternative Carol Singing at the Grafton Centre

5 pence an hour working for Tesco
Protest against Tesco this SaturdayCambridge film showing - latin america theme
This Sunday (the 17th of December) Cambridge Indymedia will be showing two films documenting recent social struggles in Latin America - "Romper el Cerco (Breaking the Siege)" and "El Gas no se Vende (The Gas is not for Sale)". The showing will be upstairs at the Bun Shop (1 King Street) starting at 7:30 pm.Reclaim the NIght needed in Ipswich
A serial killer is apparently stalking the streets of Ipswich. The police response? To warn women to stay home and to not go out at night.The streets are deserted and only the desperate women venture out which makes them even more vulnerable. We need a reclaim the night march in Ipswich and we need it soon.
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Oakington protest
Protest at Oakinton by detainees over foodPublic Statement on behalf of Donald Currie
Animal rights activist Don Currie was yesterday sentenced to 12 years in prison, for carrying out crimes of compassion against those who collaborate with the notorious animal torturers Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS). Read a public statement about the case below.Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments >>
In praise of shoplifting
I recently came across the following piece and liked it. It makes use of ideas from "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" which is never a bad thing. See what you think...Sabotaged promised as government test public resolve on GM
Protesters have pledged to take direct action to sabotage genetically modified crop trials that the government has today given the go ahead for. These trials will be the first GM trials to take place in this country for several years after a sucessful campaign of resistance. The new trial is widely regarded as a test of public resolve before further attempts to introduce genetically modified organisms on a commercial scale to a unwilling public...Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>
Animal Rights Cambridge - New Website
A new website for Cambridge’s animal rights groupThe Environmental Challenge We Face - RESPECT Community Forum
Promotion of a public meetingTension in Mexico City

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East Anglia Social Forum in Cambridge, Dec 2nd
The East Anglia Social Forum has been set for Saturday Dec 2 at the RossSt. Community Centre in Cambridge, running from 1pm - 7pm.
The programme will include:
* Media workshop (writing press releases, doing interviews)
* Facilitation workshop
* Encryption/Internet security workshop
* Screen printing workshop
* Climate Camp and Plane Stupid talk
* Stenciling workshop (provisional)
* ID cards talk (provisional)
* Campaign against tuition fees talk (provisional)