Cambridge Newswire Archive
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Climate Change Social Forum strongly supports ratification of Kyoto
The final discussions of the Climate Change Social Forum, organized by one Russian and one American NGO, came out strongly in support of Russia’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Attempts by the World Conference on Climate Change (WCCC) Chairman Yuri Izrael to derail the process failed and prompted an impressive speech by one of the participants on how Russia would benefit from the Kyoto Protocol. Some of the quotes by Izrael were: “Voting is for the miserable.” “Presidents change but the truth prevails.” (he was in the cabinet under the times of the Soviet Union) and “Let’s not waste time talking about the Kyoto Protocol, when it will never come into effect anyways.”CAMBRIDGE WOMAN’S WALK TO LONDON FOR A GM-FREE BRITAIN
A Cambridge woman is walking from Cambridge to London as part of a nationwide campaign for a GM-free Britain. Charlotte Parker, a care sector support worker, is one of around twenty green pilgrims from around Britain taking part in the pilgrimage for a GM-free Britain.Interview with Mike Zmolek, US Anti-war Organizer
Transcript of interview with Mike Zmolek, Outreach Coordinator for the National Network to End the War in Iraq - 26/09/03WCCC Chairman highjacks press conference
To the great surprise of participants of the World Climate Change Conference, Chairman Yuri Izrael announced a press conference half way through the conference on Wednesday night. Usually, press conferences are not held until the end of the conference reflecting the outcomes and events.Give Sky the 'Boot'
This is an inspirational story of guerrilla media activity in Rome. What could we do in Cambridge that would have a similar effect?Speaker at WCCC condemns ‘social inertia’
Cambridge Indymedia continues its series of reports from the World Climate Change Conference in Moscow.Cambridge NewsWire on paper
The first issue of the Cambridge IndyMedia paper publication, NewsWire, is now ready to be distributed.Musings from inside the Asylum System
Most people are aware of the fairly scandalous nature of the UK's attitude to refugees. But in the last few weeks, working at a refugee support centre, I found my general disapproval of the asylum system intensify into absolute horror at the reality of the effects of our policies and the appaling mentality revealed behind them.Posters for "Trading Freedom" screening

Putin indecisive on Kyoto Protocol
During the opening session of the WCCC, Russian President Vladimir V. Putinunderlines the importance of climate change mitigation but falls short of
announcing Russian ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
Cambridge IndyMedia makes its way onto paper
Cambridge IndyMedia has been contemplating producing a paper version, and we've made a draft (attached to this article). It's an ultra-simple attempt to get features and news-wire stories to people who either don't know about or don't have access to the Web site.1st Meeting of Anarchist Workers Network - Sept 27th!
Sat 27.09.03 AWN inaugural organising Meeting @ 7pm (After the Iraq Demo) the Autonomy Club. Upstairs at Freedom Books, 84b Whitechapel High St. Go to Aldgate East tube, take the Whitechapel Art Gallery exit, turn right and it's down the alleyway on your right.
Video trailer - The Fourth World War

A war without an enemy.
A war that is everywhere.
A thousand civil wars.
A war without end.
Video trailer - Km0

Audio - Robert Fisk on the current situation in Iraq
Program is entitled "What is happening is an absolute slaughter."Medea Benjamin on Cancun and Iraq
An interesting speech by Medea Benjamin of U.S. NGO Global Exchange, on her recent trips to Cancun and Iraq, drawing connections between the World Trade Organization negotiations and the occupation of Iraq.Electronic Blockade Against Bayer!
As part of the national day of action against Bayer Cropscience tommorrow (Thursday 25th Sept), an electronic blockade has been called.STOP THE WAR COALITION RALLY - Cambridge
Tuesday 23rd September7.30 - 9pm
Emmanuel United Reform Church Hall (town end of Trumpington
Street, opposite Pembrooke College)
5th - 6th OctoberDemonstrate 12 noon-4.00pm, Sun 5th
Trespass: 6.00am to midnight Mon 6th
This is the first installment of George Monbiot's three-part series on trade. Next week: How do we best support the demands of the poor world? Second and third part are available at: