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A National 500m Buffer Zone Campaign?
See how you can in three to five easy steps help to start a national campaign in support of Andrew Bridgen's 500m Buffer Zone Bill to stop any future English opencast mining from happening near where people live. Scotland and Wales already have such protection, we in England, do not.Careers Group defends inclusion of arms company BAE Systems in careers events

Dixie's Vintage Stall Cambridge's Last Fur Retailer
Vintage fur perpetuates the fur industry, as fur is make 'acceptable' in the vintage scene, it finds it's way on to the catwalk in the form of new fur. Indeed new 'imperfect' fur is often passed off as vintage by manufactures and finds it's way into vintage retailers.Mayday Indymedia Film Screening - 29th Jan - Brighton

The Mayday Indymedia Collective presents a screening Human Resources from Metanoia Films at 6.00 PM on Saturday 29th of January 2011 at the Cowley Club 12 London Road, Brighton, BN1 4JA. To be followed by a discussion. Read on for more information about the Mayday Indymedia Collective and other events that weekend.
Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements.

please flag up any mistakes and we will up date in 24 hours or so. We still need more factual information about their activities. The purpose of this post/thread is to create as clear a picture of the infiltrators as possible for activists worldwide.
If you wish to post about the bourgeois press then please post here.

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US Knew Tunisian Gov. Rotten Corrupt

Trees to be felled on Midsummer Common despite locals' opposition.

Trees are being felled, despite minimal public consultation and local residents' very visible opposition, and yet we are supposed to believe this is Cambridge City Council acting democractically.
Silent Protest in Cambridge by Academics.

Many of them were university academics, who symbolically turned up in their black robes to represent the wider body of higher education tutors, whom are affected by the government's cuts to higher education funding.
Past Is Present: Settler Colonialism In Palestine
For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere.Tunisia: 23 years of autocratic rule

Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements

For attention of all international activist groups and movements regarding known involvement of UK undercover political police.
We need translation into French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and any other languages people think are relevant. Please post translations here
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Mook Vintage Closed Down? New Cambridge Fur Target!

Zero Carbon Britain 2030

two screws attacked as Littlehey prison set on fire
In what one can only hope is the second in a long line of prison revolts, prisoners refused to return to their wings after exercise, attacked two screws and set fire to and smashed up part of the prison estateSmash HLS: Protest Target: Aircastle Limited
Campaign against animal torture company HLS- Fortress make their money; they are an investment company, and therefore rely on their subsidiaries and acquisitions to keep them profitable. This therefore widens the field considerably, and means that there are strategic protest targets across the world, from ski resorts to newspapers, which can all play a vital part in chipping away at Fortress' resolve.Petition to cut military spending not education!
Want to take a stand in protecting education and condemning wasteful military spending? SIGN THE PETITION HERE!Sizewell blockaders again walk free from court / case dismissed

Two anti nuclear campaigners, Andreas Speck (46) from London and Ian Mills (45) from Chippenham, who appeared at Lowestoft Magistrates Court today (4 January) on charges of "failing to leave land" (S69(3)(a) CJPOA 1994) when they blockaded Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk on 22 February 2010 [1] walked free after the case was dismissed when the prosecution did not offer any evidence.
Report on the original action (Feb 2010):
Local Democracy Dumped! - Sizewell nuclear plant blockaded again

Press Release (Tuesday 4 January 2011):

See also:
Activists 2 - EDF 0

Sizewell: Protesters walk free after CPS error

Activists 2 - EDF 0
Sizewell Blockade day one of a four day trial- Activist 2- EDF 0For the second time in Lowestoft Magistrate courts- in court three, activists who blockaded Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk walk free.