Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinians rallied Saturday evening in support of the Tunisian people who revolted against routed president Zaynulabdin Bin Ali and forced him out of the country. .......... MORE:

Similar marches were organized earlier on the same day in different Gaza areas.

Picture: Routed Zaynulabdin Bin Ali / Mahmoud Abbas .... Fatah, PLO backtrack on statement praising popular revolution in Tunisia ... RAMALLAH - De facto Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas phoned former Tunisian president Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali a few hours before his people overthrew him to send condolences for the events that preceded his escape from the country. Abbas discussed with his counterpart the latest political developments relating to the peace process and the incidents in Tunisia before the dramatic developments that led to the overthrow and flight of Ben Ali, according to Palestinian media. Abbas visited Tunis earlier this month and met with Ben Ali to discuss developments in Palestine issues. He also met with PLO political department chief Farouq al-Qaddoumi after long years of estrangement. The Tunisian people successfully forced the 23-year ruling Ben Ali out of office after a month of unprecedented, deadly protests. Mohammed al-Ghanouchi, the Tunisian premier, is serving as interim president of the country.

Security tight as Tunisia forms govt. ...............