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Buenos Aires: Candle Light March for Syria

Google's Role As Internet Censor

activist link censorship, lawsuits regarding
censorship are some of the many issues involving Google.
Oscar Wilde Vs Rudyard Kipling Re The Folly Of Invading Afghanistan

HIV-Negative AIDS: CFS, ME, or AIDS?
Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
Starbucks action in Cambridge by UK Uncut

Czarist War, Communist Peace
anticommunist war propaganda in the 1930'sIsrael military boycott over Gaza assault
Nobel peace laureates call for Israel military boycott over Gaza assault ...... Letter with 52 signatories including artists and activists also denounces US and EU 'complicity' through weapons sales ..... A group of Nobel peace prize-winners, prominent artists and activists have issued a call for an international military boycott of Israel following its assault on the Gaza Strip this month. The letter also denounces the US, EU and several developing countries for what it describes as their "complicity" through weapons sales and other military support in the attack that killed 160 Palestinians, many of them civilians, including about 35 children.Wake -Up Call To Stop Damaging Legislation
The government is proposing to allow large scale mineral planning applications to by pass the normal, local democratic process. This press release give some background info on this and how anyone can participate in a consultation exercise on this proposal and say NO!Growth and Infrastructure Bill: Proposed 100 Hectare Threshold
The Government is intending, by means of legislation which forms part of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill (Clause 21), to introduce a 100 hectare threshold on all future mining and quarrying planning applications in England. It has issued a consultation document ‘Nationally significant infrastructure planning: extending the regime to business and commercial projects: consultation’ [1] to assess reaction to their proposals. This Briefing Note outlines the impact that this proposal would have on current English opencast mine proposals.Sizewell Nuclear Power Stations Blockaded
The road leading to Sizewell nuclear power stations A & B has been blockaded since 6:45 this morning. The protestors are still there (9:00).Gaza Solidarity Demo in Cambridge.

Israel killing children in Gaza
Israel Bombing Residential Areas, Civilian Infrastructure in Gaza ....... Via Electronic Intifada, Israeli attacks on Gaza “have caused serious damage to civilian infrastructure including homes, schools, sports facilities and a hospital in many parts of Gaza City,” according to the the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Straight Talk on Gaza
Palestine's democratically elected government is targeted. West Bank coup d'etat authority has no legitimacy. Abbas' term as president expired in January 2009. Israel rigged his 2005 election. What's ongoing is illegal aggressive war. Israeli provocations caused it. Israel's entire history reflects belligerence. It lives by the sword. It's a modern-day Sparta. Operation Pillar of Cloud was planned months ago. All military campaigns take many weeks or months of planning. Attacking Gaza coincides with Israel's January elections.Natures Menu

FBI Forensic Computer Crime Experts Asked To Investigate Romney-Owned Machines

Cambridge demo against 200 Tesco Drivers threatened with sack.

The Interface Of The Mormon Church And Electoral Politics
Mormon political connections to war, race, the environment, women's rights, and other political issues and actionSPILL Festival of Performance: Bedding In

Schedule/Update for Calais Migrant Solidarity (CMS) training
Schedule for Calais Migrant Solidarity (CMS) training weekend,10th & 11th November, London Action Resource Centre.
The Bell begins to Toll
It is time we the public wake up en mass and realise that there are many individuals and groups who are hailed as pillars of the establishment (with titles and in positions of power) in both the UK and the USA who are nothing but depraved beings, knee deep in the cesspit of sexual abomination. This is how the world is run. It has of course been assisted by the indoctrination and fraudulent science of Alfred Kinsey, used by the establishment, promoted by UNESCO.see