10th & 11th November, London Action Resource Centre.
The Saturday will be focused around the ‘daily life’ in Calais and the Sunday will move forward to look at the UK process of asylum, detention, deportation and tools of resistance. This will be a chance to link up with others involved in the CMS/no borders network and hear about different groups’ projects around the country. It will be a space to share ideas, speak to people who have spent time there and a great opportunity to share skills.
We want to emphasise that the weekend is open for all, including people who have or have not been to Calais before.
If you have any questions or need more information email:

Saturday 10th November
9.45 am Welcome, tea
10 am An introduction: Why are we doing the training?
10.20 am Understanding Calais within the European context: Mapping migration flows; Understanding the ‘arms’ of the system buffering fortress Europe; The Calais border regime: surveillance and control at the France/UK border; The emergence of CMS.
11.15 am Tea break
11.30 am A visual impression of Calais: Outlining the situation in Calais with selection of images/ film and a Q and A session
12.10 pm The daily life in Calais: being in solidarity. Daily routines and projects; What is solidarity?
1pm Lunch
2pm Working through complex scenarios. Interactive session to consider situations you may come across in Calais such as ID controls, evictions/demolitions, hunger strikes.
3.15pm Tea break
3.30pm Legal briefing: The situation in Calais for people with and without papers; Outline and discussion about ID controls on the street, arrests, custody and court
4.15pm Supporting each other: Dealing with harassment, issues of gender, sexuality, and exhaustion
5 pm End of Day
Sunday 11th November
9.45 am Welcome, tea
10 am Documenting and Communicating: spreading information. Interactive session on filming and writing with CMS: taking testimonies, using cameras, documenting information, press releases and the blog inc. media and camera policies
11 am Coffee break
11.15 am This side of the border: UK Asylum. An outline of the asylum process
-How to support people in understanding the process of applying and detention.
1pm Lunch
2pm Anti deportation and detention: tools of resistance . Support and resistance in detention and through deportations: discussion of ideas past, present
3.15 Tea Break
3.30pm Getting involved: Calais and beyond.Open space to share projects and ideas for the future; How to get practically involved in CMS and No Border projects
5 pm End of Day
*We hope to document the discussions over the course of the weekend and will feedback to the group.
**Lunch will be provided, donations for food and the space will be welcomed on the day.
***Please confirm if you are attending: