Starting 'em young these days...
A common sense idea, if you read about it.
Market Square, final lap of honour.
Speakers corner #3, with The Cuts Reaper looking on...
This protest also came the day after we were informed that at least £30 million of public funds were spent on the wedding of one of our unelected royal figureheads, while in previous weeks Cambridgeshire County Council had cut funding for many projects and services by over £100 million.
In the circumstances, it should come as no surpise that there are many people who are feeling a bit peeved and are inspired enough to come out on the streets to make their dissent known.
The march did a single circuit of Cambridge city centre, arriving back at The Market Square in time for an hour of music, and before this many local representatives from the community spoke (further input/comments appreciated here), including an FBU rep, amongst many others.
There was a very broad cross section of the community present, including quite a few parents with their children, all of them concerned about the future their kids will face after our public sector has been so drastically (and forcibly) 'downsized' by a government intent on using the national deficit as an excuse to introduce 'market forces' into services where they really don't belong.
The police presence was very low key and there were no arrests.