Showing solidarity with the students.
Ever felt like you're being watched..?
An alternative picture postcard..?
Only in an 'Oxbridge' city would you see this!
I also liked this juxtaposition...
Shock revelation: Proctors seen behind bars!
A view that many don't see that often, including some students.
An appropiately sized banquet for the premises.
"LOST - One set of Tusks, Elephant still seeking them."
Timetable, kitchen - and Ladder?
Who says students aren't organised?
Oh yes, and the CCTV camera on the post above was trained on us at all times (see picture).
Nice to know we're welcome to express ourselves in our own country, isn't it?
After about an hour, some of us went along to join the students indoors in the much warmer environment of the Combination Room, which is still very much a hive of activity, with some students even bringing along their Laptops and books so they can continue their studies whilst occupying the room.
Today Proctors were in evidence (strangely not last night), with at least one of them being at the gate at any given moment, along with other watchful students standing beside them, although all the time I was standing outside the gate chatting to people, they seemed to be waving through pretty much everybody.
The general vibe on the gate seems to be good natured, with no incidents whilst I was there, and an ongoing positive dialogue is definitely in effect between the Proctors and the students.
The general atmosphere inside is still very chilled out and welcoming to all people who enter the room, although given some of the handwritten notices I've seen on the walls, it appears that a consensus has been reached that if any University staff attempt to enter the room during the occupation they will possibly be met with (non violent) resistance and told to leave.
There is also a strict no alcohol rule in place, which this writer thinks is a very sensible decision, as alchohol and activism can, when mixed together be counterproductive, to say the least.
This aside, it looks like enough food has been stockpiled to last for several days to come, and more is being aquired all the time, plus they have access to a very well equipped kitchen area at the far end of the room, so nobody will be going hungry.
So, it looks like the occupation is well on the way to heading into it's second night.
People power in full effect!