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100th UK soldier killed in Iraq: Cambridge Vigil

Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>
100th UK soldier killed in Iraq: Vigils called UK wide
BREAKING NEWS: The UK Ministry of War have just announced the 100th British soldier has [sadly] been killed in Iraq.Full Story | 9 additions | 25 comments >>
A visit to Smithy Fen

residents of Smithy Fen, Cambridgeshire who are threatened with eviction from their own land and not allowed to maintain their road.
Guilty of opposing the arms trade

Protest at University Careers Fair
Awkward questions for Exxon and lots of awareness raising at careers fair.US FDA warns Bayer on hemophilia therapy promotion
A number of Bayer AG promotions for its hemophilia treatment Kogenate FS were misleading because they failed to include ample information about risks and directions for use, U.S. regulators said in a letter released on Tuesday.ETHNIC-CLEANSING VOTE
A UK council voted last night (24 Jan) to carry out
what is seen by many as a policy of ethnic-cleansing
against Romanies and Travellers.
So Far and Yet So Near - show 3

- South African director Gavin Hood describes his new film, Tsotsi
- Making business more ethical and accountable: Craig Bennett, from Friends of the Earth, talks about a new campaign
- Hannah learns about West African drumming and South African singing
- How the 'resurrection fern' inspired Cambridge scientists to improve vaccines
Multinational Chains on Mill Rd
A campaign has started to ask people to boycott the multinational chains on Mill Rd. Prompted by the recent opening of Pizza Hut and Chicken Cottage, a group of Romsey and Petersfield residents have been talking to shopkeepers, leafleting shoppers on Mill Rd and pushing leaflets through front doors in the area.Anti-Social Housing for £1.5 MILLION

East Anglia Social Forum 18th Feb. in Cambridge
The East Anglia Social Forum to focus on the crisis in the NHS and alternatives to the marketMinisters must stop Commission's u-turn on high concern pesticides
Within the next ten days the European Commission is seeking approval by the Member States to authorise a number of dangerous pesticides* for use within Europe - several of which are mutagenic, hormone disrupting or toxic to reproductionSo Far and Yet So Near - show 2

- Terrorism and society - Claire Bennett from the Harambee Centre comes into the studio to talk about her workshop on the social effects of terrorism in the UK
- Hannah and Derek play samba with the Arco Iris samba band
- Being ethical and healthy in the new year - Cambridge shops give some advice
- Hear from Nim Njuguna, director of the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum
(BAYER) Pesticide may reduce fertility, says study

Shell, Bayer, GAP: An "Award" Corporations Don't Want to Win

Cambridge Forum on Corporate Accountability (Tues 17th)
Next Tuesday - Jan 17th - is the first Cambridge Forum meeting of 2006.This meeting is being organised by Shilpa Shah, who has persuaded Craig Bennett, Senior Corporates Campaigner for Friends of the Earth, to come and talk to us. The Corporate Accountability Campaign is seeking to change the legal and political framework in which corporations operate, so that they work in the interests of people and the environment, not just private vested interests.
Norfolk County Council plans to scrap transport subsidy for sixth-form students
College heads, MPs and councillors are gearing up for a battle against cuts in travel support for sixth-formers amid warnings they will deter thousands of students and ultimately harm the local economy.Currently, sixth-form and college students aged 16 to 18 can apply for a discounted bus pass, at the cost of £205 for a year. It is free for students whose families are on low incomes. If the subsidy is withdrawn, these students will have to pay more than £400 a year for their bus pass. As Norfolk is a predominantly rural area, this will cause hardship to students who need to travel several miles to reach their sixth form or college.
One college principal branded the proposal by Norfolk County Council to scrap post-16 transport subsidies, including for special needs students, as "bordering on the perverse".
Books for Prisoners
Donate books to your friendly town police stationStop Burning and Looting Traveller Homes
A gap in new Government policyallows UK local councils to continue
with impunity their hounding of Britain's
60,000 Travellers, according to a
report submitted this week to Deputy
Prime Minister John Prescott.
Rosenberg gives Bayer papers to U.S. Holocaust Museum