· The court case can take a long time with many visits to the court before the actual trial. Long boring hours of sitting, waiting and having no chance to say anything. It can dull! In this case it has taken over 2 years and more than 10 court dates.
· Having people supporting, believing in your case and keeping you smiling is essential, especially with a trial as long as a few days. It also helps to highlight the issues involved.
· So what happens for the supporters? Well you get to hang out outside the court with us and come into court and hear the legal battles, which can help you prepare for future action, hear the defendants giving evidence and in this case representing themselves, which makes for a more lively court room…..
· The order of the proceedings
o Monday. -Prosecution case and cross examination of prosecution witnesses.
o Tuesday-Defence case and witnesses. Lakenheath 8 statements. Rae McGrath’s expert evidence on cluster bombs. Pm ( if time).
o Wednesday-AM Rae McGrath’s Evidence-Possible verdict, but unlikely.
o Thursday-Verdict if not had time on Wednesday
· All you have to do is bring yourself. You could also bring a banner, chocolate, cake or anything else you like, though giraffes are a little large to fit into court and other things may not be suitable… but most importantly bring yourselves.
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