Tel: 07532456799 9 April 2009

Raise Money for Fired American Lorry Drivers
The Industrial Workers of the World (Cambridge) will mark May Day, the International Workers Day, by hosting a celebratory gig at the Man on the Moon pub, Norfolk St., Cambridge. Music will start at 7:30pm and we will be asking for £3/£5 on the door.
Any profits made from this gig will be going to our union's Independent Truckers Campaign in North Carolina and Virginia, USA, and specifically to fired IWW members victimised for their union activities, as well as their families.
Bands will include Burwell punk band Dehumanise, East London industrial dance crew Inqalab and Cambridge folk group Revolutionary Discipline.

"We will be joining our fellow workers around the world in celebrating our successful struggles, remembering our fallen martyrs and demonstrating our continued our continuing intent to create a better world," says Sam Wade, Communications Secretary.
The IWW is an international union for all workers. We were founded in 1905 in Chicago, USA, and in our more than 100-year long history have fought for industrial unionism, direct action and workers' power.
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If you would like more information about this May Day event please call our Communications Secretary Sam Wade at 07532456799 or e-mail us at

If you would like more information about the Independent Truckers Campaign, call the IWW Freight Truckers Organising Committee at +12243537189 or e-mail the FTOC at