Go to the 209radio site to see ways you can help:

From the 209radio site:
'Dear 209radio listeners and supporters,
209radio's trustees decided at a meeting on Friday 28th November that the station will have to secure new funding commitments or could be forced to shut at midnight on Monday the 30th Nov.
Against the odds, 209radio is fighting to ensure the station's continued operation; we are aiming for £28,000 to meet our current liabilities plus 3 more months of
We are seeking participants in a new initiative- The Cambridge 105.
Donors to us in our hour of need will now become members of a dedicated club of community angels who have shown a special commitment to the Cambridge Community.
Each month we will be seeking 9 organisations and 9 individual new members to pledge £700 each - and to find one other member to pledge £700 similarly.
Our immediate target is to get 20 organisations and 20 individuals to pledge £700 - which will secure the £28,000!
Please contact us ASAP to find out more.
Whatever the outcome we'll be celebrating all the great things that we've achieved together all day on Monday.
Please feel free to come down or listen on 105FM.
From 11pm we welcome all members and supporters that can get here to join us for the final countdown, hopefully to good news!
Very best wishes,
Karl Hartland
Manager, 209radio '