Please disseminate this message as widely as possible
- London, 12 noon, Saturday 21st May 2005
Assemble at the Uzbek Embassy, 41 Holland Park Road, London W11 3RP. Nearest tubes: Holland Park (Central Line) / Notting Hill Gate (Central/District Line). Click here for a map
*Support Uzbekistan's democratic opposition.
*Demand justice for the hundreds murdered by Karimov in Andizhan this week.
*Call for an end to Western support for this brutal regime.
This demonstration has been called by a group of UK-based Uzbek dissidents, and is supported by Craig Murray, Britain's former Ambassador to Uzbekistan.
Please disseminate this message as widely as possible
Who is Craig Murray?
As an outspoken British Ambassador, Craig Murray helped unmask the tyrannical "Karimov" regime, in Uzbekistan. While others kept quiet, our man in Tashkent hit the headlines, working to expose the mass-murder at the heart of this Central Asian dictatorship.
But Jack Straw tried to silence Craig Murray. The reason? Uzbekistan's dictator is a close ally of George Bush. And these days, any friend of George is also a friend of Jack's.
Craig Murray Says:
I experienced at first hand the abandonment of all principle by this government as it decided to use, routinely, information obtained under torture to further the 'War on Terror'.
Like so many of the British people, I was aghast as we launched an illegal war, plainly against the wishes of the UN Security Council. We were so sure we would lose at the UN we didn’t even put it to the vote.
Like many in the Foreign Office I knew in advance that the so-called dossier on weapons of mass destruction was full of lies. 152 of its alleged "facts" are now known to be complete fabrication.
Now they tell us the WMD were not the reason for war but rather it was to bring democracy to Iraq. Yet at the same time the West is giving financial and military support to the Karimov regime in Uzbekistan, one of the most brutal regimes in the World.
We appear to have sold out the principle of support for international law and the United Nations. We have replaced it with the notion of a new world order based on one superpower, led by George Bush, and that we will benefit from being his best friend.
This is a website for those who wish actively to work against the neo-conservative world order.