UK Ecology Newswire Archive
G8 Report: Africa Pays Price of G8 Climate Blindspot
20-06-2005 16:12
AFRICA PAYS PRICE FOR G8 CLIMATE BLIND SPOT SAY TOP AID AND ENVIRONMENT GROUPSMonday 20th June: New report from a UK aid and environment coalition says act now on climate change or efforts to end poverty in Africa will go Up in Smoke:

Romania: Concrete steps on how you can break the law
20-06-2005 00:04
Practical Guide on the non-implementation of the "Acquis Communitaire" or Concrete steps on how you can break the lawSuccessful Week of Anti-Mountaintop Removal Activity in Lexington
19-06-2005 21:36
During the week of June 13 in Lexington, KY, a meal of toxic coal sludge scraped out of a stream in eastern Kentucky was delivered to the president of a coal advocacy group, hundreds of concerned citizens attended an anti-mountain top removal (MTR) rally and march that ended at Kentucky Utility's headquarters, a film festival educated Lexingtonians about the dangers of strip mining and its repercussions, and activists passed out literature on the streets, all part of Mountain Justice Summer's week in Lexington, Kentucky.Cre8 Summit Community Garden Pictures
19-06-2005 18:54

AUDIO: Cre8 Summit Community Garden Action (G82005)
19-06-2005 18:43
Interview with permaculture activist about the week of community gardening just completed in Glasgow, Scotland - where a piece of vacant land was occupied in opposition to the planned M74 motorway and the fast approching G8 summit.MP3 11.30mins 48kbps mono

Radical new appraoch to rad danger reduction
18-06-2005 18:31
A radical new 'easy-read' report, 'Better Streets for Stroud District' is just out. It looks at new ways of looking at road danger reduction and although written about Gloucestershire, it is applicable to anywhere.G8 Climate Meeting
18-06-2005 18:15
The G8 is coming… IN THREE WEEKS!!A last minute meeting is happening at Rampart Street this Monday evening for people interested in organising, educating and mobilising around climate change at the G8.
Cre8 Summit has begun!
18-06-2005 12:35
On Sunday the 12th of June the Cre8 Summit began. An inspiring local project set up in response both to the approved building of the new M74 northern extension and the G8 summit to be held in July 2005.Haringey Critical Mass Bike Ride 2005
18-06-2005 09:26
Can't make it to Scotland? Didn't get tickets to Geldof's fancy dress? Don't despair...join us on 2nd of July for the 2005 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Gleneagles.nine ladies no real victory
18-06-2005 00:27
The real news direct from the nine ladies collective.Sainsburys demo- moosletter from parents
17-06-2005 15:26
Text for the leaflet distributed to Sainsbury's staff outside their HQ this morning. Over 400 were handed out by parents and kids.How Much is Enough?
17-06-2005 14:14
"The world has enough for everyone's need, not for everyone's greed." The fear of the further spread of the western lifestyle and economic mode with frequent flier rebates is at the center of political debates. Life without resource-intensive lifestyles should be encouraged.2nd Leaked G8 Climate Declaration Draft going Backwards (download here)
17-06-2005 13:06
Following the leaking of an initial G8 climate position paper (see
Mums against Sainsbury's PHOTOS
17-06-2005 12:12

These photos are licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
If you wish to use any of these images in a commercial pubication or require hi-res or uncropped versions, please contact gringoben[at]indiemail[dot]com.
Critical Mass Brighton
16-06-2005 20:50
The first Critical Mass in Brighton for ages took place tonight,Thursday16th at 6pm. Went really well and hopefully will now become regular. Meet at The Level 5.30pm for 6pm. Route to be decided bythose who show up!Stop the badger killers!
16-06-2005 20:09
The UK Government are exterminating badgers - supposedly one of the most protected of Britain's wildlife - as part of a flawed experiment investigating an alleged link between badgers and TB in cattle. Activists are sabotaging the cull - support them and fight for wildlife! See for more info.....Birmingham City Council Dictatorship
16-06-2005 19:35

G8 Accommodation in Edinburgh + Glasgow Plus InfoPoint Locations
16-06-2005 15:38
Short update on accommodation situation in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the G8 Summit mobilisations:There will be additional InfoPoints at Edinburgh University running from 29th June to 7th July - more details and info on timetables for workshops, film screenings and entertainments out soon.
G8 Rural Convergence Campsite Update - It's On!!
16-06-2005 15:08
After several negotiations with land owners over the last months have fallen through (due to police pressure many believe) a site has now been offered and the rural convergence campsite will go ahead.The message is for people to come! - see update below.
Iceland holds UK protestor for alleged £40,000 damage using yoghurt
16-06-2005 13:10
Paul Gill, a British protester against Iceland's ecologically devastating Karahnjukar dam project, is being held for allegedly committing £40,000 worth of criminal damage using yoghurt.