UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Radley Lake: The injunctions begin
16-02-2007 07:57
Freedom of speech is ending at Radley Lakes. Injunctions are being served to restrict reporting and prevent protest.Lack of lake ice a harbinger of things to come
15-02-2007 22:57
Jim Stevens, Staff Writer Sussex SunPetition Power - Online petitions to PM concerning animals
15-02-2007 22:36
This site is a government website where people can start petitions for the Prime minister to take into account. The anti road charging petition being in the news recently because the government are taking on board that 1.5 million people have signed it and it would therefore be unpopular for them to bring this in. This is a potentially great opportunity for people who care about animals to have their say. It is especially important because the Hunt supporters have a petition to scrap the hunting act 2004, which now has 28,000 signatures. We must show the strength of feeling against hunting and support for the ban being tightened.Pipeline company targetted by direct action
15-02-2007 17:46
The offices of Land and Marine in Bath were targetted last night with spraypainted messages and super glued locks as part of ongoing resistance to their South Wales gas pipeline scheme.Full Speed Against the Wind
15-02-2007 14:43
"Whoever believes in continuous growth in a finite world is either mad or an economist." (Kenneth E. Boulding)CSSGJ talk on 'Global Justice and Climate Change'
15-02-2007 09:38
what are the obligations of the global rich in terms of climate change? Does the interdependence of nations means that traditional national-centric notions of 'obligation' and 'desert' are irrelevant? What is the role and responsibility of the global citizen to our fellow planet dwellers?Nuclear debate hotting up in Gerrmany again
15-02-2007 04:24
Debate is heating up in Germany over keeping or scrapping nuclear power production and over what to do with nuclear waste, which is dangerously radioactive for a million years.Arctic Ice Gone by 2020!
14-02-2007 22:19
Arctic Ocean will lose summer ice by 2020 -- bad news for Greenland ice.Six hours of disruption at LNG terminal
14-02-2007 18:00
Since November there has been lots of protests around the gas pipeline currently being constructed in Wales, and shortly Englans. Today people paid a visit to sunny pembokeshire to take direct action on one of the root causes of climate change; fossil fuel corporations seeking more profits for their shareholders.Faslane Family Blockade 19th 20th May
14-02-2007 16:01
A family block has been announced as part of the Faslane 365 action, for the 19th and 20th of May. The organisers are calling for help/support from clowns, cooks and cyclists, storytellers, face painters, strolling players and piano players, anyone else who'd like to lend a hand- and most of all FAMILIES!
Invitation au contre sommet Biovision 2007
14-02-2007 14:59
This message is adressed to all people in Europe who want to resist actively GMO’s, cloning, nano-technologies, biometrics, DNA registration, industrial experiments upon animals, BioPatent and more generally agrochemical multinational policy.World's Hottest January Ever Recorded
13-02-2007 19:05
The [meteorological] agency said that last month was the world's hottest January on record, with temperatures across the planet 0.45 degrees Celsius above average.Bernard Mathews given the all clear to ship live birds into exclusion zone
13-02-2007 17:48
It beggars belief that Bernard Mathews was allowed to continue processing poultry at their Suffolk site during the avian influenza crisis, continued exporting to Hungary, and within days of the slaughter of 159,000 birds, were able to ship live birds into the exclusion zone created around the infected site. Yes, it's business as usual.Who is Peter Roberts? The anti-road charging crusader.
13-02-2007 04:42

Antarctica: Sea Shepherd Ship Holed during Collision with Whaling Ship
12-02-2007 16:50

Green waste recycling
12-02-2007 14:58
Why burn carbon fossil fuels to cart green waste from gardens to a central depot to be composted, then burn more carbon fossil fuels to cart the compost back to the gardens, when it can be composted in situ in the back garden?Why do we feed our kids junk food?
12-02-2007 14:54
Children need the best food, not the worst, and yet we feed them rubbish, such as regurgitated slaughter house slurry, repackaged as chicken nuggets.'It's safe to eat if cooked properly'
12-02-2007 14:48
What confidence can we have in a diseased food product, when we are assured not to worry, as it is safe to eat if cooked properly? Not eat it, maybe?